


house + home

I have a tendency to constantly conjure up new projects and things to do in our home. It brings me so much joy! Every part of the process - the dreaming, the working, and especially the part when I step back and can't wipe the pride-filled smile off my face (Stephen says that's his favorite expression of mine). There's something about putting your own time, effort, and hard work into a project, you know? I believe it makes us appreciate our home so much more because of the way we've loved on it. This is where you'll find anything and everything related to that process. 


I don’t know if I’ve ever shared a post like this before but after years of stepping into my oh-so-cherished friend Nikita’s home for our monthly book club, I asked her if I could photograph her house to share on here with you. I truly felt like you’d be missing out if I didn’t! I […]

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July 11, 2024

Call us crazy but we decided that we would do our best to tackle one more space in our Mississippi home before our newest Tupta Tot arrives – the center of the home, the kitchen! Although it can sound pretty daunting, it’s actually not going to be as intense as the primary bathroom was for […]

February 11, 2022

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Green Primary Bedroom

Even though we have don’t have a functioning shower, sinks, or toilet in our bathroom yet, it feels like we’re finally getting close to finishing up this huge project! As we complete the last few things (and wait for some others that are out of our control), we’re going to start tackling our bedroom. We’ve […]

October 28, 2021

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When we walked through our Mississippi home for the first time (we bought it sight unseen) one of the first things that I noticed is the smell in the master bathroom. I had never smelled that specific smell before but I figured it was some sort of mold that I was detecting. Stephen wasn’t bothered […]

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July 7, 2021

As we wait for the last piece to arrive before we finish up the office, we decided to go ahead and start knocking out the living room. I mean literally… I started knocking it out. More on that in a bit though! The biggest thing we’re going to do in here is brighten it up! […]

June 19, 2021

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Office Makeover

Of all the rooms in the house, this is one of the ones we’re most excited to get our hands on (tied with the bathrooms) simply because of the wall color. We have some really big trees around our house which we love. An upside of that is that it creates a lot of shade […]

March 2, 2021

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Red Pink and Blue Nursery

Six months since Ellie’s birth and it’s finally time to reveal her nursery! It has taken us a good chunk of time because we decided against it in the South Carolina house since we knew that we’d be moving six weeks after she was born. That didn’t stop me from dreaming up plans for when […]

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February 27, 2021

Are you excited for this one?! I know a lot of you have been anxiously waiting for this so today I’m so thrilled to be sharing with you all how to make a design board for free. I’ve said it over and over and over again now the importance of creating a design/mood/inspiration board before […]

May 7, 2020

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Stephen and I have been looking online at houses in Mississippi to get an idea of what the market is like down there and to come up with a tentative plan for what we want to spend/how much work we want to put into the next house etc. We put a lot of research into […]

April 22, 2020

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Hi! I hope you all are doing well. A few weeks ago I mentioned that since our next move is quickly approaching, we won’t be doing anymore projects on our SC home so I figured in the meantime I’d share the design plans for our next home. These are the plans we’d follow and go […]

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April 16, 2020

Before photo 1

Whenever we go home to the house I grew up in, Stephen and I stay in the guest bedroom. There’s nothing wrong with it at all but I did miss staying in my childhood bedroom. It’s bigger and it made me sad that it has been serving as a storage space ever since we got […]

April 8, 2020

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About a month ago we found out that we’re headed to Columbus, Mississippi for Stephen’s next assignment. Now that it has set in, we’re excited! There are so many things I’m going to miss about South Carolina, especially our friends but I do have to say… I’m ready to get this show on the road! […]

February 19, 2020

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Fall is approaching! Praise God! I know a lot of people that have already decked the halls with pumpkins, bats, and spiders galore but we haven’t reached that point over here. I don’t think we will until the beginning of October *gasp*! I guess technically part of my job as a blogger is to be […]

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September 9, 2019

Living Room

Hi! Today I wanted to share with you all what we’re thinking of doing to finish up our living room. It’s one of the last spaces to go!!! As we’re making some of the final touches on this house, I’m slowly but surely clarifying my own style. It has taken time, that’s for sure! I […]

August 28, 2019

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Hi! Slowly but surely we are putting our own touches on our home. We only have 3 rooms to go (you can see our most recent room update HERE)! Isn’t that exciting?! The next one up on our list in the master bedroom. We haven’t done anything in here at all yet. We have the […]

August 3, 2019

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Can you believe it?! I’m sure if you’ve been keeping up with my stories you’re thinking, “Oh my lanta, Jordan… FINALLY!” Our MASTER BATHROOM IS COMPLETE! This project included a big first for us – painting a laminate vanity…. Twice. We love love love the way this turned out and I’m so excited to be […]

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July 8, 2019

Master Bath After - 1

Happy Monday! I’m coming at you today with a little update on the bathroom! A LOT has changed in there since I last talked about it HERE. Since it won’t be entirely completed for a couple of weeks, I wanted to share with you where we’re at so far. The first thing we did in […]

May 13, 2019

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Master Bath Design Plan

Happy Saturday! Now that we’ve finished probably two of the most involved projects of the year (posts HERE and HERE), we’re ready to start tackling other rooms in our home. As a lot of you know, we live in a one year old construction that we had built when we found out we were going […]

April 6, 2019

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Black Paneling

Hi! I’m so happy to be on here with you all! The past couple of weeks have been really crazy traveling for work (if you’re new here you can read a little bit about what I do HERE) so it feels like a breath of fresh air to be sitting down to write this post. […]

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February 18, 2019

Mirror DIY

I am overjoyed to be sharing this reveal with you all today! Stephen and I concluded that out of all of the projects we’ve taken on in this house, this one took us the longest. Our budget, the holidays, and time are to blame for that. It was so worth it though! We love how […]

January 21, 2019

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Christmas Tour

Happy Friday! I hope you all had an amazing week leading up to Christmas. It’s such an exciting time! Before we head home to our families, I wanted to share a tour of our home decorated for the season. This is something I’ve never done before (please excuse my videography skills) and I think it’ll […]

December 21, 2018

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Christmas Outdoor Decor

Happy, happy Friday friends! Can you believe we’re already 7 days into December? I’m pathetic but I actually start to get sad as Christmas gets closer because I don’t want it to end. How pathetic is that? Speaking of Christmas ending… Does anyone else despise December 26? If you’re ever on some crazy game show […]

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December 7, 2018


After posting my budget-friendly neutral pillows post earlier today, I wanted to share these Christmas pillows while they’re still on sale for Black Friday. I found some great ones at Target, World Market, H&M and TJ Maxx for all different styles at really great prices (which is awesome considering how expensive these things can get). […]

November 23, 2018

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Netural Pillows H&M

Call me crazy but I’ve been searching for throw pillows for about three+ months now. I know that’s a long time to be looking for some pillows but holy camoly, Batman. Some of these companies are charging $50-$150 for a DANG PILLOW? Nope. I can’t do it. As much as I love the look and […]

November 23, 2018

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L-Shaped Desk

Hi! Happy Monday! I wasn’t able to be on here much last week because of a very full work load and a gathering we hosted in our home (more on that to come!), so I’m really excited to start the week off with you all here. Today I’m sharing our office “reveal”! I know you’ve […]

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November 12, 2018

Happy Wednesday! This week has been bonkers. I have had so much going on at work and getting ready for an “event” at our house tonight… All while finishing the guest bathroom makeover… Ha! It’s all good things! We’re having about 25 Air Force wives over tonight to make some signs for Christmas and have […]

November 7, 2018

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Rug Favorites

This post may contain affiliate links. Happy Monday!  I hope your week is off to a good start. Today I wanted to share my favorites from Rugs USA. We’ve purchased many rugs from them in our home and always get compliments on them. Rugs USA has a great sale going on more often than not […]

October 22, 2018

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Guest Bathroom

The guest bathroom is something that has been on my mind daily for the past two months now. For some reason I was so stumped by it. I started out with a vision in mind (this post/these photos make me cringe but I keep them as a reminder for “where I started”) but quickly realized I […]

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October 11, 2018

Farmhouse Foyer

Hi! Happy Wednesday! Before I share about this little bench, I wanted to say sorry for not posting my favorites from Rugs USA like I mentioned on stories yesterday. The time just got away from me last night… They’re still having a 45% off sale though so I probably will go ahead and do that post […]

October 10, 2018

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Fall Porch

Oh happy day! Fall is officially here! To kick off the season, Stephen and I picked up quite a few mums from Walmart (they’re only $1 for the small ones and $4 for the larger ones!) and about 5 pumpkins from Trader Joe’s. We were really impressed with the prices at both locations so we figured […]

September 28, 2018

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Use What You Already Own

Hi! I wanted to stop in here today and share some of the fall décor I’ve put up in the house so far but mainly, I want talk about my thought process behind decorating for this time of year. This is the first year I’ve really been able to decorate my own home (last year I only put out […]

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September 27, 2018

Farmhouse Sign

Hi! Let’s just get right into this! Last week I asked you all what to do over our guest bed. I worked with Carpenter Farmhouse to have this beautiful sign made and wanted to show it off over our new shiplap wall. Most people picked option 1 which was the @cottonstem hoop wreaths with the words […]

September 25, 2018

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@Lauragodfrey bathroom

Hi! Happy Thursday! I know I’ve shared about our guest bathroom before and looking back on that post, I’m honestly thoroughly embarrassed. The lighting is so terrible, heck, I don’t even love what we did in there so far but I guess that’s part of growing with this blog of mine. Stephen and I decided […]

September 20, 2018

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Free Herb Artwork

Happy Thursday! I shared with you all our updated entryway and our board and batten tutorial but I was reminded today when I started planning out fall décor for this space that I also need to share about these frames and herb prints that I found. I love the cottage vibes of a wood and white […]

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August 30, 2018

Home Decor

Hey guys! A couple of weeks ago I shared a picture of myself working on a project in our room. In it I was wearing a top I purchased for $5 from Walmart in the picture. It’s one of my favorites! Then I went to go search for a link for you all, which I found here, […]

August 1, 2018

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Laundry Room

Hi! Happy Tuesday! Today I’m so excited to be sharing our laundry room with you all. This was the first project we started and completed in our new home. It took us only one weekend and was relatively simple. Although, I will say, wallpapering for the first time with Stephen served as a very effective […]

July 24, 2018

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Modern Farmhouse Entryway

Adding board and batten to our entryway was something we planned on doing before our house was even finished. HA! I knew that with a good amount of research, we could accomplish the project relatively quickly without spending boat loads of money and that it would add a lot of character to our home. Other projects got […]

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July 19, 2018

Farmhouse Foyer

Eeek! I’m so excited to be sharing this with you all! I honestly couldn’t wait to finish the entire board and batten tutorial before sharing some of these pictures. Don’t worry, the step-by-step tutorial is headed your way! Over the weekend we were able to really finish up the space by adding these hooks, finally […]

July 18, 2018

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Farmhouse Master Bedroom

We’ve taken a little bit of time off from doing any big projects around the house these past two months because of our budget and (lack of) time. This past weekend though, we spent a lot of time in the car while traveling and talked about all of the projects we want to tackle in the […]

July 5, 2018

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Modern Farmhouse Bathroom

If you’ve followed along on some of my Instagram stories, you know about the rug debacle in the master bathroom (which I still haven’t solved by the way). For some reason, I’m having a really hard time figuring out which direction I want to go with that space. I do know though that I want […]

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April 5, 2018

I was starting to write a post about “what’s currently in my Amazon cart” because not only do I absolutely love Amazon but I personally enjoy reading these types of posts. They’re so fun! Does anyone else just enjoy finding new products and reading reviews on Amazon? No? Just me? Maybe I’m the only weird […]

March 22, 2018

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Farmhouse fans

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 You might see this post pop up and think, “Jordan… Fans? Seriously?!” But I’m actually really excited about this, you guys! I’ve really been itching to share the entire process involved with putting our own “style […]

February 28, 2018

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Happy Monday! Since it’s officially my favorite time of the year, I wanted to share some of my fall decor favorites with you all! Decorations can be so expensive so I really try my best to find the best deals or just make the decorations myself. I’m all about a good deal! The upside is […]

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September 25, 2017

I don’t know if I’ve ever shared a post like this before but after years of stepping into my oh-so-cherished friend Nikita’s home for our monthly book club, I asked her if I could photograph her house to share on here with you. I truly felt like you’d be missing out if I didn’t! I […]

July 11, 2024

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Call us crazy but we decided that we would do our best to tackle one more space in our Mississippi home before our newest Tupta Tot arrives – the center of the home, the kitchen! Although it can sound pretty daunting, it’s actually not going to be as intense as the primary bathroom was for […]

February 11, 2022

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Green Primary Bedroom

Even though we have don’t have a functioning shower, sinks, or toilet in our bathroom yet, it feels like we’re finally getting close to finishing up this huge project! As we complete the last few things (and wait for some others that are out of our control), we’re going to start tackling our bedroom. We’ve […]

October 28, 2021

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When we walked through our Mississippi home for the first time (we bought it sight unseen) one of the first things that I noticed is the smell in the master bathroom. I had never smelled that specific smell before but I figured it was some sort of mold that I was detecting. Stephen wasn’t bothered […]

July 7, 2021

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As we wait for the last piece to arrive before we finish up the office, we decided to go ahead and start knocking out the living room. I mean literally… I started knocking it out. More on that in a bit though! The biggest thing we’re going to do in here is brighten it up! […]

June 19, 2021

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Office Makeover

Of all the rooms in the house, this is one of the ones we’re most excited to get our hands on (tied with the bathrooms) simply because of the wall color. We have some really big trees around our house which we love. An upside of that is that it creates a lot of shade […]

March 2, 2021

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Red Pink and Blue Nursery

Six months since Ellie’s birth and it’s finally time to reveal her nursery! It has taken us a good chunk of time because we decided against it in the South Carolina house since we knew that we’d be moving six weeks after she was born. That didn’t stop me from dreaming up plans for when […]

February 27, 2021

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Are you excited for this one?! I know a lot of you have been anxiously waiting for this so today I’m so thrilled to be sharing with you all how to make a design board for free. I’ve said it over and over and over again now the importance of creating a design/mood/inspiration board before […]

May 7, 2020

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Stephen and I have been looking online at houses in Mississippi to get an idea of what the market is like down there and to come up with a tentative plan for what we want to spend/how much work we want to put into the next house etc. We put a lot of research into […]

April 22, 2020

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Hi! I hope you all are doing well. A few weeks ago I mentioned that since our next move is quickly approaching, we won’t be doing anymore projects on our SC home so I figured in the meantime I’d share the design plans for our next home. These are the plans we’d follow and go […]

April 16, 2020

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Before photo 1

Whenever we go home to the house I grew up in, Stephen and I stay in the guest bedroom. There’s nothing wrong with it at all but I did miss staying in my childhood bedroom. It’s bigger and it made me sad that it has been serving as a storage space ever since we got […]

April 8, 2020

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About a month ago we found out that we’re headed to Columbus, Mississippi for Stephen’s next assignment. Now that it has set in, we’re excited! There are so many things I’m going to miss about South Carolina, especially our friends but I do have to say… I’m ready to get this show on the road! […]

February 19, 2020

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Fall is approaching! Praise God! I know a lot of people that have already decked the halls with pumpkins, bats, and spiders galore but we haven’t reached that point over here. I don’t think we will until the beginning of October *gasp*! I guess technically part of my job as a blogger is to be […]

September 9, 2019

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Living Room

Hi! Today I wanted to share with you all what we’re thinking of doing to finish up our living room. It’s one of the last spaces to go!!! As we’re making some of the final touches on this house, I’m slowly but surely clarifying my own style. It has taken time, that’s for sure! I […]

August 28, 2019

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Hi! Slowly but surely we are putting our own touches on our home. We only have 3 rooms to go (you can see our most recent room update HERE)! Isn’t that exciting?! The next one up on our list in the master bedroom. We haven’t done anything in here at all yet. We have the […]

August 3, 2019

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Can you believe it?! I’m sure if you’ve been keeping up with my stories you’re thinking, “Oh my lanta, Jordan… FINALLY!” Our MASTER BATHROOM IS COMPLETE! This project included a big first for us – painting a laminate vanity…. Twice. We love love love the way this turned out and I’m so excited to be […]

July 8, 2019

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Master Bath After - 1

Happy Monday! I’m coming at you today with a little update on the bathroom! A LOT has changed in there since I last talked about it HERE. Since it won’t be entirely completed for a couple of weeks, I wanted to share with you where we’re at so far. The first thing we did in […]

May 13, 2019

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Master Bath Design Plan

Happy Saturday! Now that we’ve finished probably two of the most involved projects of the year (posts HERE and HERE), we’re ready to start tackling other rooms in our home. As a lot of you know, we live in a one year old construction that we had built when we found out we were going […]

April 6, 2019

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Black Paneling

Hi! I’m so happy to be on here with you all! The past couple of weeks have been really crazy traveling for work (if you’re new here you can read a little bit about what I do HERE) so it feels like a breath of fresh air to be sitting down to write this post. […]

February 18, 2019

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Mirror DIY

I am overjoyed to be sharing this reveal with you all today! Stephen and I concluded that out of all of the projects we’ve taken on in this house, this one took us the longest. Our budget, the holidays, and time are to blame for that. It was so worth it though! We love how […]

January 21, 2019

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Christmas Tour

Happy Friday! I hope you all had an amazing week leading up to Christmas. It’s such an exciting time! Before we head home to our families, I wanted to share a tour of our home decorated for the season. This is something I’ve never done before (please excuse my videography skills) and I think it’ll […]

December 21, 2018

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Christmas Outdoor Decor

Happy, happy Friday friends! Can you believe we’re already 7 days into December? I’m pathetic but I actually start to get sad as Christmas gets closer because I don’t want it to end. How pathetic is that? Speaking of Christmas ending… Does anyone else despise December 26? If you’re ever on some crazy game show […]

December 7, 2018

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After posting my budget-friendly neutral pillows post earlier today, I wanted to share these Christmas pillows while they’re still on sale for Black Friday. I found some great ones at Target, World Market, H&M and TJ Maxx for all different styles at really great prices (which is awesome considering how expensive these things can get). […]

November 23, 2018

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Netural Pillows H&M

Call me crazy but I’ve been searching for throw pillows for about three+ months now. I know that’s a long time to be looking for some pillows but holy camoly, Batman. Some of these companies are charging $50-$150 for a DANG PILLOW? Nope. I can’t do it. As much as I love the look and […]

November 23, 2018

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L-Shaped Desk

Hi! Happy Monday! I wasn’t able to be on here much last week because of a very full work load and a gathering we hosted in our home (more on that to come!), so I’m really excited to start the week off with you all here. Today I’m sharing our office “reveal”! I know you’ve […]

November 12, 2018

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Happy Wednesday! This week has been bonkers. I have had so much going on at work and getting ready for an “event” at our house tonight… All while finishing the guest bathroom makeover… Ha! It’s all good things! We’re having about 25 Air Force wives over tonight to make some signs for Christmas and have […]

November 7, 2018

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Rug Favorites

This post may contain affiliate links. Happy Monday!  I hope your week is off to a good start. Today I wanted to share my favorites from Rugs USA. We’ve purchased many rugs from them in our home and always get compliments on them. Rugs USA has a great sale going on more often than not […]

October 22, 2018

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Guest Bathroom

The guest bathroom is something that has been on my mind daily for the past two months now. For some reason I was so stumped by it. I started out with a vision in mind (this post/these photos make me cringe but I keep them as a reminder for “where I started”) but quickly realized I […]

October 11, 2018

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Farmhouse Foyer

Hi! Happy Wednesday! Before I share about this little bench, I wanted to say sorry for not posting my favorites from Rugs USA like I mentioned on stories yesterday. The time just got away from me last night… They’re still having a 45% off sale though so I probably will go ahead and do that post […]

October 10, 2018

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Fall Porch

Oh happy day! Fall is officially here! To kick off the season, Stephen and I picked up quite a few mums from Walmart (they’re only $1 for the small ones and $4 for the larger ones!) and about 5 pumpkins from Trader Joe’s. We were really impressed with the prices at both locations so we figured […]

September 28, 2018

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Use What You Already Own

Hi! I wanted to stop in here today and share some of the fall décor I’ve put up in the house so far but mainly, I want talk about my thought process behind decorating for this time of year. This is the first year I’ve really been able to decorate my own home (last year I only put out […]

September 27, 2018

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Farmhouse Sign

Hi! Let’s just get right into this! Last week I asked you all what to do over our guest bed. I worked with Carpenter Farmhouse to have this beautiful sign made and wanted to show it off over our new shiplap wall. Most people picked option 1 which was the @cottonstem hoop wreaths with the words […]

September 25, 2018

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@Lauragodfrey bathroom

Hi! Happy Thursday! I know I’ve shared about our guest bathroom before and looking back on that post, I’m honestly thoroughly embarrassed. The lighting is so terrible, heck, I don’t even love what we did in there so far but I guess that’s part of growing with this blog of mine. Stephen and I decided […]

September 20, 2018

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Free Herb Artwork

Happy Thursday! I shared with you all our updated entryway and our board and batten tutorial but I was reminded today when I started planning out fall décor for this space that I also need to share about these frames and herb prints that I found. I love the cottage vibes of a wood and white […]

August 30, 2018

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Home Decor

Hey guys! A couple of weeks ago I shared a picture of myself working on a project in our room. In it I was wearing a top I purchased for $5 from Walmart in the picture. It’s one of my favorites! Then I went to go search for a link for you all, which I found here, […]

August 1, 2018

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Laundry Room

Hi! Happy Tuesday! Today I’m so excited to be sharing our laundry room with you all. This was the first project we started and completed in our new home. It took us only one weekend and was relatively simple. Although, I will say, wallpapering for the first time with Stephen served as a very effective […]

July 24, 2018

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Modern Farmhouse Entryway

Adding board and batten to our entryway was something we planned on doing before our house was even finished. HA! I knew that with a good amount of research, we could accomplish the project relatively quickly without spending boat loads of money and that it would add a lot of character to our home. Other projects got […]

July 19, 2018

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Farmhouse Foyer

Eeek! I’m so excited to be sharing this with you all! I honestly couldn’t wait to finish the entire board and batten tutorial before sharing some of these pictures. Don’t worry, the step-by-step tutorial is headed your way! Over the weekend we were able to really finish up the space by adding these hooks, finally […]

July 18, 2018

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Farmhouse Master Bedroom

We’ve taken a little bit of time off from doing any big projects around the house these past two months because of our budget and (lack of) time. This past weekend though, we spent a lot of time in the car while traveling and talked about all of the projects we want to tackle in the […]

July 5, 2018

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Modern Farmhouse Bathroom

If you’ve followed along on some of my Instagram stories, you know about the rug debacle in the master bathroom (which I still haven’t solved by the way). For some reason, I’m having a really hard time figuring out which direction I want to go with that space. I do know though that I want […]

April 5, 2018

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I was starting to write a post about “what’s currently in my Amazon cart” because not only do I absolutely love Amazon but I personally enjoy reading these types of posts. They’re so fun! Does anyone else just enjoy finding new products and reading reviews on Amazon? No? Just me? Maybe I’m the only weird […]

March 22, 2018

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Farmhouse fans

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 You might see this post pop up and think, “Jordan… Fans? Seriously?!” But I’m actually really excited about this, you guys! I’ve really been itching to share the entire process involved with putting our own “style […]

February 28, 2018

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Happy Monday! Since it’s officially my favorite time of the year, I wanted to share some of my fall decor favorites with you all! Decorations can be so expensive so I really try my best to find the best deals or just make the decorations myself. I’m all about a good deal! The upside is […]

September 25, 2017

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After Photo

One of the great parts about Ellie Joy’s bedroom is that her closet is massive! As we were working on her bedroom makeover, I knew that I wanted to make her closet more functional, organized, and overall better than before (if I was able to) as my friend Brooke (@nestingwithgrace) says. Someday I hope to […]

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April 2, 2021

Essential Oil Shelf

The first thing that I did as soon as the walls were painted (and dry) in the office was get this little corner set up. I had been imagining it for months now so to watch it come to life was exciting for me. It might be pretty simple but it houses a few of […]

March 23, 2021

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After Photo

One of the great parts about Ellie Joy’s bedroom is that her closet is massive! As we were working on her bedroom makeover, I knew that I wanted to make her closet more functional, organized, and overall better than before (if I was able to) as my friend Brooke (@nestingwithgrace) says. Someday I hope to […]

April 2, 2021

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Essential Oil Shelf

The first thing that I did as soon as the walls were painted (and dry) in the office was get this little corner set up. I had been imagining it for months now so to watch it come to life was exciting for me. It might be pretty simple but it houses a few of […]

March 23, 2021

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Our new house is FULL of wallpaper (you can see all of the before photos here)! While there’s a good bit of it that we like and we’re going to keep for now, some of it was either not our style and/or was in bad condition and needed to be removed. That was the case […]

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July 24, 2024

This post is sponsored by Livette’s Wallpaper. However, all thoughts/opinions on my website are always my own. Our first finished room in our Virginia home!!!! I am so excited to share this one with you particularly because I have been envisioning this space since before we even purchased this house. Let’s face it, I just […]

June 27, 2024

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After completing the kitchen renovation and loving on nearly every square inch of our Mississippi home, we figured we couldn’t just leave the laundry room untouched. At the same time though we knew we were approaching our move and the Mississippi house would soon be listed for rent. With that in mind, we kept the […]

June 10, 2024

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As we’ve been adding more kids to our Tupta crew, Stephen and I agreed that it would be beneficial for us to have a family calendar to stay more organized. We thought it would be most useful if it was located in the main hub of our home where we’ll see it daily and where […]

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May 20, 2024

As soon as we saw photos of the Mississippi house we knew that if we purchased it, we could have a really fun kitchen renovation on our hands. I don’t say that sarcastically! We really believed it could be a fun challenge to potentially completely gut and then build a new kitchen from the ground […]

May 20, 2024

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Of all the rooms in our Mississippi home, the girl’s/guest bathroom needed the most love. Ironically, it was the only bathroom we used the entire first year we lived in this house before we completed the primary bathroom remodel because it made the most sense for us logistically. It was adorned with wood paneling and […]

December 30, 2023

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About a year ago one of my best friends, Emilee, started talking to me about making some updates to her kitchen. Her biggest frustration with the space was that the entire thing was all “paper bag” brown – the walls, cabinets, counters, backsplash. All of it. The area was in dire need of some contrast. […]

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November 20, 2023

When we moved into the Mississippi house almost three years ago (TIME FLIES!!!), all of the blinds on the front windows of the house were white wooden blinds and on the back of the house they were brown blinds. We decided to keep the ones in the front because they’re decent quality and blinds can […]

August 11, 2023

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On September 25 we’ll celebrate three years of living in our Mississippi house. Pretty much since the month we moved in, we have been working on fixing up the interior. We only have one room left to work on and a few tiny details to finish up before sharing both the kitchen and guest/kids bathroom […]

July 21, 2023

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I have a funny story to share (I’m going to paraphrase so it doesn’t take me forever). Since the fall of 2022 I’ve been attending a course on the Catholic church (yes, RCIA, for those of you that know what I’m talking about!). I wanted to learn from the Catholic Church what the Church actually […]

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March 17, 2023

We’re making progress on the bathroom. We’re not as far along as we wanted to be at this point but we’re alright with that. We have a lot of LIFE happening at the same time (make sure to subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter with those deets!) and we’re just… Tired! That being said, we […]

March 10, 2023

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Well folks, we are finally tackling the room most in need of some serious lovin’ in our Mississippi home – the guest/kids bathroom. Adorned with wood paneling in the shower with vinyl tile above it, a vanity that has seen much better days, and a poorly patched ceiling, the time is past due. All jokes […]

February 17, 2023

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Patterned Tile Bathroom

Considering Stephen and I started this in June 2021, it feels pretty surreal to finally be sharing the reveal of the primary bathroom in our Mississippi home. And to think that we thought it would take us two months max!!! Oh bless our precious hearts… Instead of two, it took us nine months to complete […]

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March 22, 2022

Call us crazy but we decided that we would do our best to tackle one more space in our Mississippi home before our newest Tupta Tot arrives – the center of the home, the kitchen! Although it can sound pretty daunting, it’s actually not going to be as intense as the primary bathroom was for […]

February 11, 2022

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Hi! I’m so excited to be on here with you today to share our bathroom progress and how we learned to drywall! Before I get into a much needed update on the bathroom, this post gives a good picture of where it has been headed for months and months now (HAHA) in case you needed […]

October 5, 2021

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Something I really wanted to incorporate into the new office is a big writing space on the wall. I had a giant whiteboard in my office while working in the corporate world and I’d spend hours sitting in front of that board brainstorming and coming up with new ideas. It seems as though my best […]

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May 25, 2021

Bemjamin Moore Chantilly Lace

Something that I want to do better at is sharing progress of our work on the house on here. I try my best to remember to share all of the steps on my Instagram with you but I will admit, sometimes we get on a roll and I forget to pick my phone up. It’s […]

March 13, 2021

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Textured Ceiling Removal

Even before we bought our 1980’s home in Mississippi, we talked about and researched how we could remove the textured ceilings, or more specifically stomped ceilings. There is nothing wrong with textured ceilings, we just love the look of flat ceilings and thought it would make the home feel refreshed. It’s totally a personal preference! […]

March 8, 2021

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Project List for 2021

Stephen and I sat down together at the beginning of the year and came up with a plan for the order we want to tackle projects on the house. It’s not necessarily “set in stone” but it helps us be on the same page and is helpful when budgeting. Speaking of budgeting, if you haven’t […]

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March 1, 2021

Entryway Makeover

We’ve lived in the Mississippi house for almost five months now! Time is flying. We have a lot of work to do on this 1980’s home to freshen it up a bit. We started in the guest bedroom (I’ll share more on that later!) and moved onto the entryway. Removing the textured ceilings in the […]

February 9, 2021

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Simple Christmas Decor

In our South Carolina home, one of the first projects we completed was the board and batten in the entryway. Even though the house was brand spankin’ new and really didn’t need anything, we wanted to add some charm and character to it. Board and batten is an easy way to do that! By the […]

February 9, 2021

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Pink Door Exterior

As soon as I saw pictures of our Mississippi home while we were house hunting, I knew I wanted to paint the front door. Red is my favorite color but I wanted a pink door for years! We couldn’t do it with our South Carolina home because of the HOA and we loved our stained […]

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December 19, 2020

Happy Thursday! About eight months ago I decided to paint our kitchen hardware. There was nothing wrong with the way it looked originally (a brushed nickel finish), it just wasn’t our style. I yearned for a little bit more contrast between the hardware and white cabinets. I can’t stress this enough – do what makes […]

April 23, 2020

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DIY Mirror

This DIY was one that I did over a year ago now but I realized that I never shared the method I came up with on here! I wouldn’t be surprised if I do this again in any of our future homes. It worked like magic and I really love the way it came out. […]

March 4, 2020

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Kitchen chalkboard

Since we know that we’ll be moving sometime this year, I want to make sure anything we “DIYed” in this house is documented on here for you guys (and for us in case we want to do something similar in the next house)! A really simple project that I shared on Instagram stories was the […]

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February 5, 2020

Pom pom wreath

Hey guys! Today I’m going to be sharing with you a DIY inspired by my favorite, Anthropologie. I spotted THIS WREATH a while back but couldn’t justify spending over $100 (or $90 on sale) on a pom pom wreath so I decided to figure out how to make one myself. What You’ll Need: 2 big […]

November 22, 2019

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Clay Ornament

Hi friends! Today I’m sharing with you all how to make DIY Clay Ornaments, inspired by Nesting with Grace. They’re super easy to make and is another great activity to do with kids! Just like the DIY marble ornaments, you could use these as ornaments or gift tags/toppers. The best part is that they make […]

November 19, 2019

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Christmas ornaments

Hi! I’m starting off a week full of Christmas inspired DIYs with a really easy and fun one – DIY marble ornaments. I saw these on one of my favorite accounts to follow, @amylouhawthorne, and couldn’t resist making them. Stephen and I ended up doing just that this weekend and we love how they turned […]

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November 19, 2019

A project that was supposed to be relatively simple turned into an ordeal. Very shortly after we had removed the doors to start painting the vanity together, we found out that I was pregnant. We didn’t want to chance anything so Stephen took on all of the painting by himself. The unfortunate part though was […]

July 8, 2019

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Can you believe it?! I’m sure if you’ve been keeping up with my stories you’re thinking, “Oh my lanta, Jordan… FINALLY!” Our MASTER BATHROOM IS COMPLETE! This project included a big first for us – painting a laminate vanity…. Twice. We love love love the way this turned out and I’m so excited to be […]

July 8, 2019

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Master Bath Design Plan

Happy Saturday! Now that we’ve finished probably two of the most involved projects of the year (posts HERE and HERE), we’re ready to start tackling other rooms in our home. As a lot of you know, we live in a one year old construction that we had built when we found out we were going […]

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April 6, 2019

Painted Paneling

Everything you need to know about how to install, paint, and trim out wall paneling.

April 5, 2019

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The title of this post really should be “How to Strip Painted, Polyed, Crackled, Polyed Again x 12 Furniture”, haha! Boy was this project was a BEAST! One table, one leaf, and 6 chairs. I don’t know if I’ve ever worked so hard on something in my life. A lot of you know via Instagram […]

April 2, 2019

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Mirror DIY

I am overjoyed to be sharing this reveal with you all today! Stephen and I concluded that out of all of the projects we’ve taken on in this house, this one took us the longest. Our budget, the holidays, and time are to blame for that. It was so worth it though! We love how […]

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January 21, 2019

DIY Window Seat Cushion

Hi! Happy Tuesday. I put this cushion DIY off for as long as I possibly could until it was crunch time. We were having a big group of people over a week later and I didn’t want them to have to sit on the hard-wooden bench (DIY HERE) so I sucked it up and started to […]

December 17, 2018

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DIY Built-In

Hey guys! Stephen here. We had this corner in our family room right next to our fireplace that was tucked away and we weren’t quite sure what to do with it.  We didn’t know whether we were going to buy a big comfy seat and make it a cozy reading nook or just leave it […]

December 17, 2018

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Netural Pillows H&M

Call me crazy but I’ve been searching for throw pillows for about three+ months now. I know that’s a long time to be looking for some pillows but holy camoly, Batman. Some of these companies are charging $50-$150 for a DANG PILLOW? Nope. I can’t do it. As much as I love the look and […]

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November 23, 2018

Tool Starter Pack

It’s Black Friday! We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. We were surrounded by friends, delicious food, and each other. It was a great day! As promised, we’ve compiled a list of tools for the first-time DIYer based on Black Friday sales that are going on. Stephen is really great at doing research on […]

November 23, 2018

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Weight Holder

Hi guys! Happy Tuesday! Stephen here. Today I am going to share with you a homemade DIY weight rack that organizes your weights and saves you space in your garage that you can make for much less than you would buy online (about $30 to be exact). We bought a bunch of weights to start […]

November 20, 2018

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Thanksgiving 2018

Happy Monday! I’m really excited going into this week because it’s one of my favorite weeks of the year! In preparation for Thursday, I started brainstorming and putting together a Thanksgiving tablescape. I know it’s much later than most bloggers share these but this one is so easy that you could still easily get it […]

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November 19, 2018

Cottage Bathroom

Happy Monday! I’m back with an update on the guest bathroom! We worked our bums off this weekend trying to tackle a big chunk of this project. We’re kind of on a time crunch with a little “event” going on at our house next week so we’re trying to get this done ASAP. That way […]

October 29, 2018

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Faux Brick Tutorial

This post may contain affiliate links. FINALLY! Goodness gracious, Jordan. This is something that I’ve been meaning to share for a couple of months now and I’m finally getting around to it — the faux brick archway tutorial. This is my second time taking on a faux brick project and I think this one takes […]

October 23, 2018

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Happy Tuesday! Today were going to take a little break from fall decor and DIYs to talk about some yummy decomposing organic matter. You don’t have to laugh… I’m not funny, I know. After tropical storm Florence rolled through here, our garden had seen better days. The plethora of water helped some of the produce […]

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October 1, 2018

Shiplap tutorial

Hi! I’ve got a good one coming for ya… Some people believe that shiplap is the equivalent to the lovely 1970’s wood paneling and that it’ll eventually go out of style just like paneling did. Maybe they’re right. I don’t really care though. I love the simple charm it adds to a home and of […]

September 30, 2018

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Interior Painted Door

Happy Tuesday! After we completed our board and batten in the foyer, I thought it would be cute to paint the front door to provide a little bit of contrast in the space. Don’t get me wrong, I love white but I craved some color in order to make the board and batten pop a bit more. […]

September 25, 2018

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Painted Door

I’m realizing more and more that when an idea pops into my head, if I think it’s a good one, it doesn’t take long before I’m figuring out how to get it done. Granted, some of these ideas I can’t just whip up on my own but there are quite a few of them that […]

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August 28, 2018

Hose and Cord Cover

Hi! I have a lot of other things I need to share but this really can’t wait, I’m too excited about it. If you read this post you know that I really wanted to come up with a way to hide the ugly laundry room cords. Well you guys… WE DID! This project was really simple and […]

August 27, 2018

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Ladder DIY

Happy Monday! I apologize for not sharing this with you all sooner! This project is so simple it’s pretty dumb of me that I forgot to share. A few months ago when I got the itch to garden, I knew I wanted to start by planting some herbs so I did just that. I picked up some pots […]

August 21, 2018

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Laundry Room

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. This morning I’m sharing the 4 simple updates we made to completely update our laundry room to fit the modern farmhouse vibes of our home! This was the first project we tackled in our new house. We knew it would only take a weekend and […]

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August 6, 2018

Modern Farmhouse Entryway

Adding board and batten to our entryway was something we planned on doing before our house was even finished. HA! I knew that with a good amount of research, we could accomplish the project relatively quickly without spending boat loads of money and that it would add a lot of character to our home. Other projects got […]

July 19, 2018

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Farmhouse Sconce

Hello! Yesterday I shared the DIY farmhouse custom door trim tutorial and wanted to make sure to talk about the other amazing part about this makeover – the light! It was really simple, relatively inexpensive, and once again, adds a lot of character to our home. The best part about this light is that it […]

July 17, 2018

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After Photos

Hi!! Before I get into this I want to say thank you so much for all of the love on the post I shared of our board and batten in the foyer! It’s so much fun sharing all of that stuff with you all and seeing your reactions. I get so many messages that make […]

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July 16, 2018

Window Boxes - 2

Hi! Now that we have told you how to make the window boxes and how to fill them with flowers we are going to teach you the final step in the process, how to attach them to the house. We researched a ton to figure out how to do this but we never really found a good way […]

June 26, 2018

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Colorful Window Box DIY

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. We spent ours with friends and working on our home. We got so much done! It’s not really exciting stuff but I think we can say that we have officially unpacked the entire house. FINALLY! That spare bedroom pictured here is finally unpacked and pretty much empty. […]

June 25, 2018

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Drop Cloth Curtains

Are you all so excited for this one?! I know I am. This DIY is so simple and inexpensive. It doesn’t require any sewing technique. Did you hear that?! NONE! Soon after we moved into the house (and even before then) I was trying to find inexpensive curtains. I think they are one of the […]

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June 5, 2018

Faux Brick

You guys… I’m getting so fired up over this blog and LIFE. I just want to do all. the. things. So I am! I will tell you though, if you’re an aspiring blogger, this is not the “suggested way” of doing it. The most successful bloggers/influencers focus on one main thing and build their business […]

May 22, 2018

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Chalk paint vs. oil based

Today I’m going to share a story… I mentioned this on Instagram last week and I had so many people message me saying, “I can’t wait to hear all about it!” followed by the beloved laughing face, of course. A few days have gone by since this laughable disaster happened and luckily, my frustration associated with the […]

May 14, 2018

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Gardening DIY

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a really great weekend! I’m back on here after another weekend of being social media free so I thought I’d share some of the projects we accomplished around the house these past couple of days. We worked for hours on Saturday getting our little garden set up in […]

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May 7, 2018

Stephen and I had been on the hunt for nightstands for our guest bedroom for months but couldn’t seem to find anything inexpensive that we liked. One Saturday morning at a thrift shop I saw these cabinets sitting there and had a vision. He couldn’t quite see it but trusted me so we haggled them […]

November 7, 2017

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1 trip to Ikea, 2 pizzas, 3 trips to Home Depot, 1 trip to Lowes, 2 new power tools, and many (many) hours later and we have ourselves some fine looking nightstands! Before I graduated and left Virginia Tech, my parents suggested that I sell all of my furniture because we were going to have to store everything at […]

October 4, 2016

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Happy Wednesday! This is a reminder that if you have a “normal” work schedule, you are HALF WAY THROUGH YOUR WORK WEEK! Keep chuggin’ along! It has been a while since I’ve written a DIY post so this is super exciting and impromptu. My new apartment is spacious. However, there is no room in the […]

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September 28, 2016

Happy Monday! I just wrote this entire post and then it got deleted… So I’m going to write this again and say, “Jordan- 1, Monday- 0.” After a long weekend of moving, it is time to share a DIY! My sweet friend Krystal is getting married this weekend (AHH!!!) and I am so dang excited for her […]

June 13, 2016

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Our new house is FULL of wallpaper (you can see all of the before photos here)! While there’s a good bit of it that we like and we’re going to keep for now, some of it was either not our style and/or was in bad condition and needed to be removed. That was the case […]

July 24, 2024

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This post is sponsored by Livette’s Wallpaper. However, all thoughts/opinions on my website are always my own. Our first finished room in our Virginia home!!!! I am so excited to share this one with you particularly because I have been envisioning this space since before we even purchased this house. Let’s face it, I just […]

June 27, 2024

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After completing the kitchen renovation and loving on nearly every square inch of our Mississippi home, we figured we couldn’t just leave the laundry room untouched. At the same time though we knew we were approaching our move and the Mississippi house would soon be listed for rent. With that in mind, we kept the […]

June 10, 2024

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As we’ve been adding more kids to our Tupta crew, Stephen and I agreed that it would be beneficial for us to have a family calendar to stay more organized. We thought it would be most useful if it was located in the main hub of our home where we’ll see it daily and where […]

May 20, 2024

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As soon as we saw photos of the Mississippi house we knew that if we purchased it, we could have a really fun kitchen renovation on our hands. I don’t say that sarcastically! We really believed it could be a fun challenge to potentially completely gut and then build a new kitchen from the ground […]

May 20, 2024

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Of all the rooms in our Mississippi home, the girl’s/guest bathroom needed the most love. Ironically, it was the only bathroom we used the entire first year we lived in this house before we completed the primary bathroom remodel because it made the most sense for us logistically. It was adorned with wood paneling and […]

December 30, 2023

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About a year ago one of my best friends, Emilee, started talking to me about making some updates to her kitchen. Her biggest frustration with the space was that the entire thing was all “paper bag” brown – the walls, cabinets, counters, backsplash. All of it. The area was in dire need of some contrast. […]

November 20, 2023

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When we moved into the Mississippi house almost three years ago (TIME FLIES!!!), all of the blinds on the front windows of the house were white wooden blinds and on the back of the house they were brown blinds. We decided to keep the ones in the front because they’re decent quality and blinds can […]

August 11, 2023

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On September 25 we’ll celebrate three years of living in our Mississippi house. Pretty much since the month we moved in, we have been working on fixing up the interior. We only have one room left to work on and a few tiny details to finish up before sharing both the kitchen and guest/kids bathroom […]

July 21, 2023

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I have a funny story to share (I’m going to paraphrase so it doesn’t take me forever). Since the fall of 2022 I’ve been attending a course on the Catholic church (yes, RCIA, for those of you that know what I’m talking about!). I wanted to learn from the Catholic Church what the Church actually […]

March 17, 2023

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We’re making progress on the bathroom. We’re not as far along as we wanted to be at this point but we’re alright with that. We have a lot of LIFE happening at the same time (make sure to subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter with those deets!) and we’re just… Tired! That being said, we […]

March 10, 2023

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Well folks, we are finally tackling the room most in need of some serious lovin’ in our Mississippi home – the guest/kids bathroom. Adorned with wood paneling in the shower with vinyl tile above it, a vanity that has seen much better days, and a poorly patched ceiling, the time is past due. All jokes […]

February 17, 2023

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Patterned Tile Bathroom

Considering Stephen and I started this in June 2021, it feels pretty surreal to finally be sharing the reveal of the primary bathroom in our Mississippi home. And to think that we thought it would take us two months max!!! Oh bless our precious hearts… Instead of two, it took us nine months to complete […]

March 22, 2022

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Call us crazy but we decided that we would do our best to tackle one more space in our Mississippi home before our newest Tupta Tot arrives – the center of the home, the kitchen! Although it can sound pretty daunting, it’s actually not going to be as intense as the primary bathroom was for […]

February 11, 2022

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Hi! I’m so excited to be on here with you today to share our bathroom progress and how we learned to drywall! Before I get into a much needed update on the bathroom, this post gives a good picture of where it has been headed for months and months now (HAHA) in case you needed […]

October 5, 2021

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Something I really wanted to incorporate into the new office is a big writing space on the wall. I had a giant whiteboard in my office while working in the corporate world and I’d spend hours sitting in front of that board brainstorming and coming up with new ideas. It seems as though my best […]

May 25, 2021

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Bemjamin Moore Chantilly Lace

Something that I want to do better at is sharing progress of our work on the house on here. I try my best to remember to share all of the steps on my Instagram with you but I will admit, sometimes we get on a roll and I forget to pick my phone up. It’s […]

March 13, 2021

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Textured Ceiling Removal

Even before we bought our 1980’s home in Mississippi, we talked about and researched how we could remove the textured ceilings, or more specifically stomped ceilings. There is nothing wrong with textured ceilings, we just love the look of flat ceilings and thought it would make the home feel refreshed. It’s totally a personal preference! […]

March 8, 2021

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Project List for 2021

Stephen and I sat down together at the beginning of the year and came up with a plan for the order we want to tackle projects on the house. It’s not necessarily “set in stone” but it helps us be on the same page and is helpful when budgeting. Speaking of budgeting, if you haven’t […]

March 1, 2021

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Entryway Makeover

We’ve lived in the Mississippi house for almost five months now! Time is flying. We have a lot of work to do on this 1980’s home to freshen it up a bit. We started in the guest bedroom (I’ll share more on that later!) and moved onto the entryway. Removing the textured ceilings in the […]

February 9, 2021

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Simple Christmas Decor

In our South Carolina home, one of the first projects we completed was the board and batten in the entryway. Even though the house was brand spankin’ new and really didn’t need anything, we wanted to add some charm and character to it. Board and batten is an easy way to do that! By the […]

February 9, 2021

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Pink Door Exterior

As soon as I saw pictures of our Mississippi home while we were house hunting, I knew I wanted to paint the front door. Red is my favorite color but I wanted a pink door for years! We couldn’t do it with our South Carolina home because of the HOA and we loved our stained […]

December 19, 2020

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Happy Thursday! About eight months ago I decided to paint our kitchen hardware. There was nothing wrong with the way it looked originally (a brushed nickel finish), it just wasn’t our style. I yearned for a little bit more contrast between the hardware and white cabinets. I can’t stress this enough – do what makes […]

April 23, 2020

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DIY Mirror

This DIY was one that I did over a year ago now but I realized that I never shared the method I came up with on here! I wouldn’t be surprised if I do this again in any of our future homes. It worked like magic and I really love the way it came out. […]

March 4, 2020

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Kitchen chalkboard

Since we know that we’ll be moving sometime this year, I want to make sure anything we “DIYed” in this house is documented on here for you guys (and for us in case we want to do something similar in the next house)! A really simple project that I shared on Instagram stories was the […]

February 5, 2020

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Pom pom wreath

Hey guys! Today I’m going to be sharing with you a DIY inspired by my favorite, Anthropologie. I spotted THIS WREATH a while back but couldn’t justify spending over $100 (or $90 on sale) on a pom pom wreath so I decided to figure out how to make one myself. What You’ll Need: 2 big […]

November 22, 2019

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Clay Ornament

Hi friends! Today I’m sharing with you all how to make DIY Clay Ornaments, inspired by Nesting with Grace. They’re super easy to make and is another great activity to do with kids! Just like the DIY marble ornaments, you could use these as ornaments or gift tags/toppers. The best part is that they make […]

November 19, 2019

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Christmas ornaments

Hi! I’m starting off a week full of Christmas inspired DIYs with a really easy and fun one – DIY marble ornaments. I saw these on one of my favorite accounts to follow, @amylouhawthorne, and couldn’t resist making them. Stephen and I ended up doing just that this weekend and we love how they turned […]

November 19, 2019

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A project that was supposed to be relatively simple turned into an ordeal. Very shortly after we had removed the doors to start painting the vanity together, we found out that I was pregnant. We didn’t want to chance anything so Stephen took on all of the painting by himself. The unfortunate part though was […]

July 8, 2019

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Can you believe it?! I’m sure if you’ve been keeping up with my stories you’re thinking, “Oh my lanta, Jordan… FINALLY!” Our MASTER BATHROOM IS COMPLETE! This project included a big first for us – painting a laminate vanity…. Twice. We love love love the way this turned out and I’m so excited to be […]

July 8, 2019

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Master Bath Design Plan

Happy Saturday! Now that we’ve finished probably two of the most involved projects of the year (posts HERE and HERE), we’re ready to start tackling other rooms in our home. As a lot of you know, we live in a one year old construction that we had built when we found out we were going […]

April 6, 2019

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Painted Paneling

Everything you need to know about how to install, paint, and trim out wall paneling.

April 5, 2019

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The title of this post really should be “How to Strip Painted, Polyed, Crackled, Polyed Again x 12 Furniture”, haha! Boy was this project was a BEAST! One table, one leaf, and 6 chairs. I don’t know if I’ve ever worked so hard on something in my life. A lot of you know via Instagram […]

April 2, 2019

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Mirror DIY

I am overjoyed to be sharing this reveal with you all today! Stephen and I concluded that out of all of the projects we’ve taken on in this house, this one took us the longest. Our budget, the holidays, and time are to blame for that. It was so worth it though! We love how […]

January 21, 2019

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DIY Window Seat Cushion

Hi! Happy Tuesday. I put this cushion DIY off for as long as I possibly could until it was crunch time. We were having a big group of people over a week later and I didn’t want them to have to sit on the hard-wooden bench (DIY HERE) so I sucked it up and started to […]

December 17, 2018

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DIY Built-In

Hey guys! Stephen here. We had this corner in our family room right next to our fireplace that was tucked away and we weren’t quite sure what to do with it.  We didn’t know whether we were going to buy a big comfy seat and make it a cozy reading nook or just leave it […]

December 17, 2018

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Netural Pillows H&M

Call me crazy but I’ve been searching for throw pillows for about three+ months now. I know that’s a long time to be looking for some pillows but holy camoly, Batman. Some of these companies are charging $50-$150 for a DANG PILLOW? Nope. I can’t do it. As much as I love the look and […]

November 23, 2018

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Tool Starter Pack

It’s Black Friday! We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. We were surrounded by friends, delicious food, and each other. It was a great day! As promised, we’ve compiled a list of tools for the first-time DIYer based on Black Friday sales that are going on. Stephen is really great at doing research on […]

November 23, 2018

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Weight Holder

Hi guys! Happy Tuesday! Stephen here. Today I am going to share with you a homemade DIY weight rack that organizes your weights and saves you space in your garage that you can make for much less than you would buy online (about $30 to be exact). We bought a bunch of weights to start […]

November 20, 2018

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Thanksgiving 2018

Happy Monday! I’m really excited going into this week because it’s one of my favorite weeks of the year! In preparation for Thursday, I started brainstorming and putting together a Thanksgiving tablescape. I know it’s much later than most bloggers share these but this one is so easy that you could still easily get it […]

November 19, 2018

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Cottage Bathroom

Happy Monday! I’m back with an update on the guest bathroom! We worked our bums off this weekend trying to tackle a big chunk of this project. We’re kind of on a time crunch with a little “event” going on at our house next week so we’re trying to get this done ASAP. That way […]

October 29, 2018

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Faux Brick Tutorial

This post may contain affiliate links. FINALLY! Goodness gracious, Jordan. This is something that I’ve been meaning to share for a couple of months now and I’m finally getting around to it — the faux brick archway tutorial. This is my second time taking on a faux brick project and I think this one takes […]

October 23, 2018

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Happy Tuesday! Today were going to take a little break from fall decor and DIYs to talk about some yummy decomposing organic matter. You don’t have to laugh… I’m not funny, I know. After tropical storm Florence rolled through here, our garden had seen better days. The plethora of water helped some of the produce […]

October 1, 2018

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Shiplap tutorial

Hi! I’ve got a good one coming for ya… Some people believe that shiplap is the equivalent to the lovely 1970’s wood paneling and that it’ll eventually go out of style just like paneling did. Maybe they’re right. I don’t really care though. I love the simple charm it adds to a home and of […]

September 30, 2018

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Interior Painted Door

Happy Tuesday! After we completed our board and batten in the foyer, I thought it would be cute to paint the front door to provide a little bit of contrast in the space. Don’t get me wrong, I love white but I craved some color in order to make the board and batten pop a bit more. […]

September 25, 2018

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Painted Door

I’m realizing more and more that when an idea pops into my head, if I think it’s a good one, it doesn’t take long before I’m figuring out how to get it done. Granted, some of these ideas I can’t just whip up on my own but there are quite a few of them that […]

August 28, 2018

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Hose and Cord Cover

Hi! I have a lot of other things I need to share but this really can’t wait, I’m too excited about it. If you read this post you know that I really wanted to come up with a way to hide the ugly laundry room cords. Well you guys… WE DID! This project was really simple and […]

August 27, 2018

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Ladder DIY

Happy Monday! I apologize for not sharing this with you all sooner! This project is so simple it’s pretty dumb of me that I forgot to share. A few months ago when I got the itch to garden, I knew I wanted to start by planting some herbs so I did just that. I picked up some pots […]

August 21, 2018

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Laundry Room

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. This morning I’m sharing the 4 simple updates we made to completely update our laundry room to fit the modern farmhouse vibes of our home! This was the first project we tackled in our new house. We knew it would only take a weekend and […]

August 6, 2018

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Modern Farmhouse Entryway

Adding board and batten to our entryway was something we planned on doing before our house was even finished. HA! I knew that with a good amount of research, we could accomplish the project relatively quickly without spending boat loads of money and that it would add a lot of character to our home. Other projects got […]

July 19, 2018

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Farmhouse Sconce

Hello! Yesterday I shared the DIY farmhouse custom door trim tutorial and wanted to make sure to talk about the other amazing part about this makeover – the light! It was really simple, relatively inexpensive, and once again, adds a lot of character to our home. The best part about this light is that it […]

July 17, 2018

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After Photos

Hi!! Before I get into this I want to say thank you so much for all of the love on the post I shared of our board and batten in the foyer! It’s so much fun sharing all of that stuff with you all and seeing your reactions. I get so many messages that make […]

July 16, 2018

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Window Boxes - 2

Hi! Now that we have told you how to make the window boxes and how to fill them with flowers we are going to teach you the final step in the process, how to attach them to the house. We researched a ton to figure out how to do this but we never really found a good way […]

June 26, 2018

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Colorful Window Box DIY

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. We spent ours with friends and working on our home. We got so much done! It’s not really exciting stuff but I think we can say that we have officially unpacked the entire house. FINALLY! That spare bedroom pictured here is finally unpacked and pretty much empty. […]

June 25, 2018

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Drop Cloth Curtains

Are you all so excited for this one?! I know I am. This DIY is so simple and inexpensive. It doesn’t require any sewing technique. Did you hear that?! NONE! Soon after we moved into the house (and even before then) I was trying to find inexpensive curtains. I think they are one of the […]

June 5, 2018

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Faux Brick

You guys… I’m getting so fired up over this blog and LIFE. I just want to do all. the. things. So I am! I will tell you though, if you’re an aspiring blogger, this is not the “suggested way” of doing it. The most successful bloggers/influencers focus on one main thing and build their business […]

May 22, 2018

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Chalk paint vs. oil based

Today I’m going to share a story… I mentioned this on Instagram last week and I had so many people message me saying, “I can’t wait to hear all about it!” followed by the beloved laughing face, of course. A few days have gone by since this laughable disaster happened and luckily, my frustration associated with the […]

May 14, 2018

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Gardening DIY

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a really great weekend! I’m back on here after another weekend of being social media free so I thought I’d share some of the projects we accomplished around the house these past couple of days. We worked for hours on Saturday getting our little garden set up in […]

May 7, 2018

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Stephen and I had been on the hunt for nightstands for our guest bedroom for months but couldn’t seem to find anything inexpensive that we liked. One Saturday morning at a thrift shop I saw these cabinets sitting there and had a vision. He couldn’t quite see it but trusted me so we haggled them […]

November 7, 2017

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1 trip to Ikea, 2 pizzas, 3 trips to Home Depot, 1 trip to Lowes, 2 new power tools, and many (many) hours later and we have ourselves some fine looking nightstands! Before I graduated and left Virginia Tech, my parents suggested that I sell all of my furniture because we were going to have to store everything at […]

October 4, 2016

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Happy Wednesday! This is a reminder that if you have a “normal” work schedule, you are HALF WAY THROUGH YOUR WORK WEEK! Keep chuggin’ along! It has been a while since I’ve written a DIY post so this is super exciting and impromptu. My new apartment is spacious. However, there is no room in the […]

September 28, 2016

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Happy Monday! I just wrote this entire post and then it got deleted… So I’m going to write this again and say, “Jordan- 1, Monday- 0.” After a long weekend of moving, it is time to share a DIY! My sweet friend Krystal is getting married this weekend (AHH!!!) and I am so dang excited for her […]

June 13, 2016

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We would love to have a homestead on a good sized chunk of land someday. I have no idea when that day will come but it most likely will be once Stephen is out of or close to the end of his Air Force career. Only God knows when that’ll be so something that I’ve […]

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March 17, 2022

Little Miss Figgy

Last year, which was our first year living in our new home, we decided to try to grow a garden. You can read all about what we planted and our stock tank planters HERE and HERE. We had a good deal of success but we also had some failures. If you follow along in my […]

June 10, 2019

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Colorful Window Box DIY

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. We spent ours with friends and working on our home. We got so much done! It’s not really exciting stuff but I think we can say that we have officially unpacked the entire house. FINALLY! That spare bedroom pictured here is finally unpacked and pretty much empty. […]

June 25, 2018

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Colorful summer window box

Happy Friday! Woo!! I hope you all had an amazing week! Today I wanted to share exactly what and how I planted our window boxes for the summer in case you want to do the same. I’m so excited to be able to switch these out with the seasons! Can you imagine some mums in there […]

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June 15, 2018

DIY Garden

Happy Tuesday! Yesterday I shared all about our garden and mentioned that we decided to add a few stock tanks/feeding troughs as a way to increase our gardening space. They aren’t necessarily as inexpensive as other planter DIY options but they work perfectly with our small yard. Some other reasons we purchased the stock tanks are: […]

June 12, 2018

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Small Backyard Garden

Hi! Happy Monday! I hope you all are having a great day so far. This weekend we celebrated Stephen’s squadron’s 100th anniversary. My dad’s best friend, Cliff, was in the same squadron a “couple” of years (I won’t age you Cliff don’t worry 😉 ) ago so him and his wife were down here to celebrate with us. We had a […]

June 11, 2018

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Gardening DIY

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a really great weekend! I’m back on here after another weekend of being social media free so I thought I’d share some of the projects we accomplished around the house these past couple of days. We worked for hours on Saturday getting our little garden set up in […]

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May 7, 2018

We would love to have a homestead on a good sized chunk of land someday. I have no idea when that day will come but it most likely will be once Stephen is out of or close to the end of his Air Force career. Only God knows when that’ll be so something that I’ve […]

March 17, 2022

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Little Miss Figgy

Last year, which was our first year living in our new home, we decided to try to grow a garden. You can read all about what we planted and our stock tank planters HERE and HERE. We had a good deal of success but we also had some failures. If you follow along in my […]

June 10, 2019

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Colorful Window Box DIY

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. We spent ours with friends and working on our home. We got so much done! It’s not really exciting stuff but I think we can say that we have officially unpacked the entire house. FINALLY! That spare bedroom pictured here is finally unpacked and pretty much empty. […]

June 25, 2018

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Colorful summer window box

Happy Friday! Woo!! I hope you all had an amazing week! Today I wanted to share exactly what and how I planted our window boxes for the summer in case you want to do the same. I’m so excited to be able to switch these out with the seasons! Can you imagine some mums in there […]

June 15, 2018

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DIY Garden

Happy Tuesday! Yesterday I shared all about our garden and mentioned that we decided to add a few stock tanks/feeding troughs as a way to increase our gardening space. They aren’t necessarily as inexpensive as other planter DIY options but they work perfectly with our small yard. Some other reasons we purchased the stock tanks are: […]

June 12, 2018

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Small Backyard Garden

Hi! Happy Monday! I hope you all are having a great day so far. This weekend we celebrated Stephen’s squadron’s 100th anniversary. My dad’s best friend, Cliff, was in the same squadron a “couple” of years (I won’t age you Cliff don’t worry 😉 ) ago so him and his wife were down here to celebrate with us. We had a […]

June 11, 2018

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Gardening DIY

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a really great weekend! I’m back on here after another weekend of being social media free so I thought I’d share some of the projects we accomplished around the house these past couple of days. We worked for hours on Saturday getting our little garden set up in […]

May 7, 2018

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Target Christmas

Ellie and I had to drive to Tuscaloosa today to pick up the wood that we need for our master bedroom makeover since it wasn’t available in Columbus. It’s an hour and fifteen minutes away from us so anytime we’re there we must stop at Target (and Chipotle), right?! Target recently started putting their Christmas […]

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November 3, 2021

Anthro Holiday

I love Anthropologie all year long but I especially love what they release during the holidays! It all just feels so cheery and fun to me. What I don’t love though, is the price tag that comes along with their products. Today in Hobby Lobby with Ellie I came across quite a few products that […]

October 25, 2021

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However (and wherever) you are spending your day, we pray that you are able to create special memories and are reminded of how loved you are. In fact, so loved that we have been given the greatest gift of all – the birth of our Savior. We are so thankful for this community and every […]

December 25, 2020

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Joyful Christmas

We moved into our 1980’s home in Mississippi three months ago. Time has flown by! We’re excited for all that is to come in this house and what we have planned to do with it. We love making over spaces! This one will be even more fun because of how much work it needs. Stephen […]

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December 22, 2020

Pink Door Exterior

As soon as I saw pictures of our Mississippi home while we were house hunting, I knew I wanted to paint the front door. Red is my favorite color but I wanted a pink door for years! We couldn’t do it with our South Carolina home because of the HOA and we loved our stained […]

December 19, 2020

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Holiday favorites Anthro

I want to start this post out by saying if you are paying off debt or are trying to stick to a tight budget, please do not continue reading this post! Your financial goals are more important than this stuff I’m about to share! I’m cheering you on!!! Christmas is my favorite time of the […]

October 15, 2020

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In the past I haven’t typically done posts like this but the other day I was ordering Stephen a set of workout clothes from Fabletics and thought, “Oohhh! This would be really cute in a basket for Valentine’s Day with a few other fun things for him!” then one thing led to another and well… […]

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February 10, 2020

Jet Photos

Merry Christmas, friends! I hope you all are soaking up this day with your loved ones but I did want to take a minute to just say THANK YOU for being such a supportive and special community. Our family is so thankful for you! We’re excited to have you along with us in the new […]

December 25, 2019

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I know I’m a bit late to this party. There has been a lot going on behind the scenes (along with the normal holiday goodness!) in the Tupta household. I know chances are very likely that you already have all of your decor up! We’re 95% sure we won’t be in this home next year […]

December 18, 2019

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Christmas is almost here! Isn’t it amazing how fast it’s approaching? Here’s how we decorated the exterior of our South Caroline home this year (which is probably our last! How crazy!). We didn’t change things up a ton from last year’s outdoor decor because we loved it so much. We simply used our beloved Walmart […]

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December 10, 2019

I have to admit, I nearly lost my mind when I saw the Black Friday sale that was released by Young Living. I’m not the type to wake up early for a sale or wait in line or really even participate in Black Friday sales for that matter (unless I have something very specific that […]

November 27, 2019

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Thanksgiving Appetizer

This cranberry jalapeno dip recipe is one that my mom makes every year around the holidays (I think it originated from my cousin though!). I’ll warn you, it’s not the healthiest but it is so yummy. It’s also very easy to make! My mom usually has it out as an appetizer with all of the […]

November 26, 2019

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Hi! Happy Thanksgiving week! Can you believe it? I love love love Christmas but I think when it comes down to it, Thanksgiving is actually my favorite holiday because it means seeing Santa kick off the Christmas season in the Macy’s Day Parade! I get sad at the thought of Christmas being over. I’m odd, […]

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November 25, 2019

Pom pom wreath

Hey guys! Today I’m going to be sharing with you a DIY inspired by my favorite, Anthropologie. I spotted THIS WREATH a while back but couldn’t justify spending over $100 (or $90 on sale) on a pom pom wreath so I decided to figure out how to make one myself. What You’ll Need: 2 big […]

November 22, 2019

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Clay Ornament

Hi friends! Today I’m sharing with you all how to make DIY Clay Ornaments, inspired by Nesting with Grace. They’re super easy to make and is another great activity to do with kids! Just like the DIY marble ornaments, you could use these as ornaments or gift tags/toppers. The best part is that they make […]

November 19, 2019

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Christmas ornaments

Hi! I’m starting off a week full of Christmas inspired DIYs with a really easy and fun one – DIY marble ornaments. I saw these on one of my favorite accounts to follow, @amylouhawthorne, and couldn’t resist making them. Stephen and I ended up doing just that this weekend and we love how they turned […]

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November 19, 2019

Hi friends! Heck, I know that I already started decorating our mantle for Christmas but since the blog revamp was going on during September-October and fall decor time, I wanted to make sure to share how we decorated our home! I shared all about my plans for how I wanted to decorate here but here […]

November 9, 2019

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Christmas Tour

Happy Friday! I hope you all had an amazing week leading up to Christmas. It’s such an exciting time! Before we head home to our families, I wanted to share a tour of our home decorated for the season. This is something I’ve never done before (please excuse my videography skills) and I think it’ll […]

December 21, 2018

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Christmas Outdoor Decor

Happy, happy Friday friends! Can you believe we’re already 7 days into December? I’m pathetic but I actually start to get sad as Christmas gets closer because I don’t want it to end. How pathetic is that? Speaking of Christmas ending… Does anyone else despise December 26? If you’re ever on some crazy game show […]

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December 7, 2018

Winter porch

Happy Friday! This week has been pretty tough with both of our pups having surgery but we’re getting through it and I’m excited to share something that has brought me joy throughout the week – our wreath-adorned Christmas porch. Speaking of pups… Brooke is doing really well (she was spayed this week)! She’s acting like […]

November 30, 2018

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Happy Tuesday! This is the first Christmas season Stephen and I have ever celebrated together in our own home. It’s so exciting to let you all in and to share this room and our first tree with you all. I hope it inspires you in some way as you start decorating in your own homes! […]

November 27, 2018

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After posting my budget-friendly neutral pillows post earlier today, I wanted to share these Christmas pillows while they’re still on sale for Black Friday. I found some great ones at Target, World Market, H&M and TJ Maxx for all different styles at really great prices (which is awesome considering how expensive these things can get). […]

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November 23, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

Happy Monday! I’m really excited going into this week because it’s one of my favorite weeks of the year! In preparation for Thursday, I started brainstorming and putting together a Thanksgiving tablescape. I know it’s much later than most bloggers share these but this one is so easy that you could still easily get it […]

November 19, 2018

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Happy Wednesday! This week has been bonkers. I have had so much going on at work and getting ready for an “event” at our house tonight… All while finishing the guest bathroom makeover… Ha! It’s all good things! We’re having about 25 Air Force wives over tonight to make some signs for Christmas and have […]

November 7, 2018

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I mentioned on stories a couple of days ago that I’ve slowly but surely been picking up Christmas decor *gasp*. The reason I’ve been doing this is because Stephen and I have never decorated a home for Christmas so we don’t own any decorations except for a few ornaments we were gifted, a mini Christmas […]

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October 26, 2018

Cadbury Cupcakes

Happy Easter week! Today I’m sharing a quick and easy cupcake recipe that I adapted from Together As Family and Garnish & Glaze. These are so delicious it’s really difficult to have only one. I gave them to my friends when they closed on their house last week and let’s just say that only one of them actually […]

March 29, 2018

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December Advent Calendar filled with joy

Happy December 1! As I mentioned here, I love this time of year. I mean, I really really love it. Shoot, I wear Christmas socks all year long! I believe that every moment during this month should be soaked up and celebrated while it can be because before we know it, we blink and it’s […]

December 1, 2017

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Thanksgiving Outfit Suggestions

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November 14, 2017

Our Favorite Holiday Tradition

This tradition started about three years ago in grad school and we loved it so much we promised that we would do it every year from that point on. We each get a shoebox, decide on a gender and age, and then go shopping for items to fill the boxes with. These boxes get sent […]

November 10, 2017

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Target Christmas

Ellie and I had to drive to Tuscaloosa today to pick up the wood that we need for our master bedroom makeover since it wasn’t available in Columbus. It’s an hour and fifteen minutes away from us so anytime we’re there we must stop at Target (and Chipotle), right?! Target recently started putting their Christmas […]

November 3, 2021

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Anthro Holiday

I love Anthropologie all year long but I especially love what they release during the holidays! It all just feels so cheery and fun to me. What I don’t love though, is the price tag that comes along with their products. Today in Hobby Lobby with Ellie I came across quite a few products that […]

October 25, 2021

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However (and wherever) you are spending your day, we pray that you are able to create special memories and are reminded of how loved you are. In fact, so loved that we have been given the greatest gift of all – the birth of our Savior. We are so thankful for this community and every […]

December 25, 2020

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Joyful Christmas

We moved into our 1980’s home in Mississippi three months ago. Time has flown by! We’re excited for all that is to come in this house and what we have planned to do with it. We love making over spaces! This one will be even more fun because of how much work it needs. Stephen […]

December 22, 2020

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Pink Door Exterior

As soon as I saw pictures of our Mississippi home while we were house hunting, I knew I wanted to paint the front door. Red is my favorite color but I wanted a pink door for years! We couldn’t do it with our South Carolina home because of the HOA and we loved our stained […]

December 19, 2020

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Holiday favorites Anthro

I want to start this post out by saying if you are paying off debt or are trying to stick to a tight budget, please do not continue reading this post! Your financial goals are more important than this stuff I’m about to share! I’m cheering you on!!! Christmas is my favorite time of the […]

October 15, 2020

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In the past I haven’t typically done posts like this but the other day I was ordering Stephen a set of workout clothes from Fabletics and thought, “Oohhh! This would be really cute in a basket for Valentine’s Day with a few other fun things for him!” then one thing led to another and well… […]

February 10, 2020

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Jet Photos

Merry Christmas, friends! I hope you all are soaking up this day with your loved ones but I did want to take a minute to just say THANK YOU for being such a supportive and special community. Our family is so thankful for you! We’re excited to have you along with us in the new […]

December 25, 2019

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I know I’m a bit late to this party. There has been a lot going on behind the scenes (along with the normal holiday goodness!) in the Tupta household. I know chances are very likely that you already have all of your decor up! We’re 95% sure we won’t be in this home next year […]

December 18, 2019

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Christmas is almost here! Isn’t it amazing how fast it’s approaching? Here’s how we decorated the exterior of our South Caroline home this year (which is probably our last! How crazy!). We didn’t change things up a ton from last year’s outdoor decor because we loved it so much. We simply used our beloved Walmart […]

December 10, 2019

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I have to admit, I nearly lost my mind when I saw the Black Friday sale that was released by Young Living. I’m not the type to wake up early for a sale or wait in line or really even participate in Black Friday sales for that matter (unless I have something very specific that […]

November 27, 2019

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Thanksgiving Appetizer

This cranberry jalapeno dip recipe is one that my mom makes every year around the holidays (I think it originated from my cousin though!). I’ll warn you, it’s not the healthiest but it is so yummy. It’s also very easy to make! My mom usually has it out as an appetizer with all of the […]

November 26, 2019

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Hi! Happy Thanksgiving week! Can you believe it? I love love love Christmas but I think when it comes down to it, Thanksgiving is actually my favorite holiday because it means seeing Santa kick off the Christmas season in the Macy’s Day Parade! I get sad at the thought of Christmas being over. I’m odd, […]

November 25, 2019

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Pom pom wreath

Hey guys! Today I’m going to be sharing with you a DIY inspired by my favorite, Anthropologie. I spotted THIS WREATH a while back but couldn’t justify spending over $100 (or $90 on sale) on a pom pom wreath so I decided to figure out how to make one myself. What You’ll Need: 2 big […]

November 22, 2019

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Clay Ornament

Hi friends! Today I’m sharing with you all how to make DIY Clay Ornaments, inspired by Nesting with Grace. They’re super easy to make and is another great activity to do with kids! Just like the DIY marble ornaments, you could use these as ornaments or gift tags/toppers. The best part is that they make […]

November 19, 2019

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Christmas ornaments

Hi! I’m starting off a week full of Christmas inspired DIYs with a really easy and fun one – DIY marble ornaments. I saw these on one of my favorite accounts to follow, @amylouhawthorne, and couldn’t resist making them. Stephen and I ended up doing just that this weekend and we love how they turned […]

November 19, 2019

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Hi friends! Heck, I know that I already started decorating our mantle for Christmas but since the blog revamp was going on during September-October and fall decor time, I wanted to make sure to share how we decorated our home! I shared all about my plans for how I wanted to decorate here but here […]

November 9, 2019

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Christmas Tour

Happy Friday! I hope you all had an amazing week leading up to Christmas. It’s such an exciting time! Before we head home to our families, I wanted to share a tour of our home decorated for the season. This is something I’ve never done before (please excuse my videography skills) and I think it’ll […]

December 21, 2018

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Christmas Outdoor Decor

Happy, happy Friday friends! Can you believe we’re already 7 days into December? I’m pathetic but I actually start to get sad as Christmas gets closer because I don’t want it to end. How pathetic is that? Speaking of Christmas ending… Does anyone else despise December 26? If you’re ever on some crazy game show […]

December 7, 2018

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Winter porch

Happy Friday! This week has been pretty tough with both of our pups having surgery but we’re getting through it and I’m excited to share something that has brought me joy throughout the week – our wreath-adorned Christmas porch. Speaking of pups… Brooke is doing really well (she was spayed this week)! She’s acting like […]

November 30, 2018

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Happy Tuesday! This is the first Christmas season Stephen and I have ever celebrated together in our own home. It’s so exciting to let you all in and to share this room and our first tree with you all. I hope it inspires you in some way as you start decorating in your own homes! […]

November 27, 2018

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After posting my budget-friendly neutral pillows post earlier today, I wanted to share these Christmas pillows while they’re still on sale for Black Friday. I found some great ones at Target, World Market, H&M and TJ Maxx for all different styles at really great prices (which is awesome considering how expensive these things can get). […]

November 23, 2018

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Thanksgiving 2018

Happy Monday! I’m really excited going into this week because it’s one of my favorite weeks of the year! In preparation for Thursday, I started brainstorming and putting together a Thanksgiving tablescape. I know it’s much later than most bloggers share these but this one is so easy that you could still easily get it […]

November 19, 2018

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Happy Wednesday! This week has been bonkers. I have had so much going on at work and getting ready for an “event” at our house tonight… All while finishing the guest bathroom makeover… Ha! It’s all good things! We’re having about 25 Air Force wives over tonight to make some signs for Christmas and have […]

November 7, 2018

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I mentioned on stories a couple of days ago that I’ve slowly but surely been picking up Christmas decor *gasp*. The reason I’ve been doing this is because Stephen and I have never decorated a home for Christmas so we don’t own any decorations except for a few ornaments we were gifted, a mini Christmas […]

October 26, 2018

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Cadbury Cupcakes

Happy Easter week! Today I’m sharing a quick and easy cupcake recipe that I adapted from Together As Family and Garnish & Glaze. These are so delicious it’s really difficult to have only one. I gave them to my friends when they closed on their house last week and let’s just say that only one of them actually […]

March 29, 2018

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December Advent Calendar filled with joy

Happy December 1! As I mentioned here, I love this time of year. I mean, I really really love it. Shoot, I wear Christmas socks all year long! I believe that every moment during this month should be soaked up and celebrated while it can be because before we know it, we blink and it’s […]

December 1, 2017

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Thanksgiving Outfit Suggestions

November 14, 2017

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Our Favorite Holiday Tradition

This tradition started about three years ago in grad school and we loved it so much we promised that we would do it every year from that point on. We each get a shoebox, decide on a gender and age, and then go shopping for items to fill the boxes with. These boxes get sent […]

November 10, 2017

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I wrote the words I’m about to share below nearly two months ago now but never mustered up the courage or time to finish my thoughts and hit ‘publish’. As I went to edit my drafts today, I noticed this post, opened it, and read through these words. I almost deleted them and then instead […]

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January 26, 2023

Room makeover

At the beginning of July we were able to make it back home to my parent’s house to spend a week there before Ellie arrived. We always manage to stay super busy when we’re home so we didn’t relax a ton but as always, it was so great to be there. I’m missing it as […]

October 21, 2020

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Hey guys! In the past couple of weeks I’ve been doing some window shopping for our next house. I know it’s early (we’re moving in September) but we’re also in the process of saving and I wanted to have a decent gauge on how much we plan to spend. I also just love the design […]

April 1, 2020

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Comfort Works Slipcover

This post is sponsored by Comfort Works. However, all opinions are my own. EEEK! I’m so excited to be sharing this post with you all. I’m very particular about what I share on here. No matter what, I only share things that I love and would purchase with my own money. Our Comfort Works sofa […]

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November 8, 2019

Living Room

Hi! Today I wanted to share with you all what we’re thinking of doing to finish up our living room. It’s one of the last spaces to go!!! As we’re making some of the final touches on this house, I’m slowly but surely clarifying my own style. It has taken time, that’s for sure! I […]

August 28, 2019

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Modern Farmhouse IKEA Haul

Last Saturday Stephen and I drove the couple of hours to go shopping at IKEA. We walked into the bustling store with a list, budget, and full bellies (because Lord knows hangry Jordan is the worst person to shop with). We love IKEA because they have so much stuff that is very reasonably priced. Heck, […]

April 17, 2018

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Farmhouse fans

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 You might see this post pop up and think, “Jordan… Fans? Seriously?!” But I’m actually really excited about this, you guys! I’ve really been itching to share the entire process involved with putting our own “style […]

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February 28, 2018

I wrote the words I’m about to share below nearly two months ago now but never mustered up the courage or time to finish my thoughts and hit ‘publish’. As I went to edit my drafts today, I noticed this post, opened it, and read through these words. I almost deleted them and then instead […]

January 26, 2023

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Room makeover

At the beginning of July we were able to make it back home to my parent’s house to spend a week there before Ellie arrived. We always manage to stay super busy when we’re home so we didn’t relax a ton but as always, it was so great to be there. I’m missing it as […]

October 21, 2020

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Hey guys! In the past couple of weeks I’ve been doing some window shopping for our next house. I know it’s early (we’re moving in September) but we’re also in the process of saving and I wanted to have a decent gauge on how much we plan to spend. I also just love the design […]

April 1, 2020

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Comfort Works Slipcover

This post is sponsored by Comfort Works. However, all opinions are my own. EEEK! I’m so excited to be sharing this post with you all. I’m very particular about what I share on here. No matter what, I only share things that I love and would purchase with my own money. Our Comfort Works sofa […]

November 8, 2019

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Living Room

Hi! Today I wanted to share with you all what we’re thinking of doing to finish up our living room. It’s one of the last spaces to go!!! As we’re making some of the final touches on this house, I’m slowly but surely clarifying my own style. It has taken time, that’s for sure! I […]

August 28, 2019

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Modern Farmhouse IKEA Haul

Last Saturday Stephen and I drove the couple of hours to go shopping at IKEA. We walked into the bustling store with a list, budget, and full bellies (because Lord knows hangry Jordan is the worst person to shop with). We love IKEA because they have so much stuff that is very reasonably priced. Heck, […]

April 17, 2018

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Farmhouse fans

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 You might see this post pop up and think, “Jordan… Fans? Seriously?!” But I’m actually really excited about this, you guys! I’ve really been itching to share the entire process involved with putting our own “style […]

February 28, 2018

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