


November 25, 2019

Jordan Jean Inspired Christmas Wishlist

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Hi! Happy Thanksgiving week! Can you believe it? I love love love Christmas but I think when it comes down to it, Thanksgiving is actually my favorite holiday because it means seeing Santa kick off the Christmas season in the Macy’s Day Parade! I get sad at the thought of Christmas being over. I’m odd, I know. Anyway, today I’m sharing with you all my wishlist for this year. I really struggle with this actually. I already know we are so blessed and fortunate to have all that we do but my mom and friends also get frustrated with me when I don’t give them options. Since a lot of you asked for it, I figured I’d share it on here. I also think I might share a gift guide with things that I already own that would be fantastic to give.

A lot of this list is comprised of books (I could’ve added many more actually), things I’ve wanted to buy for the past year but just haven’t, and “needs”. For example, a new planner for 2020 and capsule wardrobe staples that I have been needing to replace. Some people may find it boring to receive items like an Oxford shirt for Christmas but I actually love receiving gifts that I know I’ll use and wear constantly. It always reminds me of that person when I put them on!

  • 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 – These are all books that I’ve been eyeing for a while and just haven’t gotten yet. I feel like there are even more that I could add! Paleo cookbooks, normal cookbooks, baking books, design books, etc. So many! Not only do I enjoy reading books but I also think they make great, functional decor which is right up my alley.
  • 6 – Last year for Christmas my parent’s gave me the Madewell Medium Transport Tote which I absolutely love. One thing that bothers me about it though is the lack of organization capability. I believe this organizer would do the trick well!
  • 7 – This going to sound crazy to a lot of you but a laminator would be really useful for us. It’s something I’ve been wanting for months but just haven’t gotten it for myself. I’d use it on all of our pretty essential oils printables that we offer (for free) in our community and then hole punch them and keep them on a ring so they’re easily accessible!
  • 8 – Val Marie Prayer Journal. This year I’ve worked a lot on my morning routine and creating quiet time to sit and read Scripture and pray. I think this journal would elevate my prayer time for me and I have a good friend that loves hers.
  • 9 – Every year I ask for a new planner. I love to write things down and cross them off. This year I’m changing it up a bit and asking for this Prayer Planner. It might not make much sense to you to have both the prayer journal and the prayer planner but is more of an agenda format to write in daily tasks, etc. versus the journal. I don’t think it’ll be overkill on the prayer side of things! That’s not possible in my opinion.
  • 10 – Blanquil weighted blanket. I’ve heard so many great things about this blanket! Considering I love to be wrapped like a burrito or swaddled like a baby I think I’d really love this blanket. Brooke has a lot of information about it HERE as well as a discount code. She uses the 15 pound option.
  • 11 – Essentially curated oil shelf! They’re having a $75 off Black Friday sale on the brass shelf. I think this would be such an amazing gift for oilys!
  • 12 – Baths have become one of my favorite things! I constantly am wishing for a little stand to hold my book and water on and this I think would be great for that. I also found a super beautiful one on Anthro’s website but woof that thing was over $100! That’s not worth it to me.
  • 13 – AN ONION CHOPPER! The need is SO REAL!! Some nights if an onion is required for the recipe I’m making, I’ll wait until Stephen is home to chop it up. I know, it’s so pathetic but my eyes can’t stand it for the life of them. This would be so helpful!!! Honestly I could get nothing for Christmas at all except for this and I’d be so smitten. It’s the little things, right?
  • 14 – Non-toxic nail polish! You guys know that we’re trying to remove all potential toxins from our home and I’ve heard tidbits about how nail polish is another thing to start looking into… For the love of Pete! I don’t think I’m going to go rogue and throw out all of my nail polish and replace it with the non-toxic alternative just yet but since I’m all out of red nail polish anyway I figured we could start by replacing that one. I’ve heard great things about this polish!
  • 15 – I’m pretty much always wearing my Apple Watch, even at formal events. I’d love to dress it up a notch with this band though. A classic cognac “leather” is an easy way to do that. This one has great reviews and I love that the band is thin, it gives it more of a feminine look in my opinion.
  • 16 – Fun hair accessories! Since starting the Curly Girl Method, I’ve been wearing more headbands and scrunchies with my updos. This would look so cute with a bun!
  • 17 – I’ve been eyeing a classic sweater like this one for a while. I think it would fit very nicely into my capsule and I love the vintage feel it has to it!
  • 18 – A new Oxford shirt. I completely wore out the last one as it was a staple in my fall and winter capsule! I love receiving and giving things that I’ll use very frequently and for years! This is certainly one of them.
  • 19 – Classic Everlane jumpsuit. Since I’m trying to move the items in my closet towards ones that are more intentional and thought out, I’m expecting items to be a little bit more expensive but that will last for a very long time. Knowing what I love and what I historically tend to reach for to wear, I think this jumpsuit is one that I’ll be wearing for years and years from now. It can be worn all year around!
  • 20 – Rothy’s slip-ons! I originally had a pair of Keds on here that I really liked actually but after talking with one of my best friends that has a pair of Rothy’s, I figured I’d try them out. She’s obsessed with them. Their shoes are made from recycled plastic water bottles and can be thrown in the wash. I’ve seen pairs that are years old and look brand spankin’ new. I’ve worn a pair of cheetah slip-ons for years now but got rid of them after they started to look pretty rough so again, I don’t think it’s something that’ll be leaving my wardrobe anytime soon.
  • 21 – Slippers! Another big need on my list. I had a pair from Old Navy that I wore for over 5 years but Brooke decided to make one of them her chew toy when she was a puppy. My mom has had her L.L. Bean pair for years and years so I just followed suit.
  • 22 – Another “need” for me… Leggings. I plan on doing a huge review of many different types of leggings on here for you all. The only issue with doing that is that it’s expensive to buy so many pairs and since my mom always asks for options for gifts, I figured I’d include them on here. I also don’t want to have dozens… That’s just not necessary. I’m going to have to figure out how I can work through that issue. Anyway, so many of my friends have said how much they love these so I’m going to try them out for myself and include them in the review.

Extra: Something I didn’t include on the list but could’ve was this jacket. It’s expensive which is why I was hesitant to even share about it on here but it also is 100% a staple piece for a closet and it is amazing quality. My parents have both had their leather jackets since I was even thought of and I don’t doubt that this one would last just as long. I also love this brand and their mission. Make sure to read reviews to gauge your sizing.

I hope you enjoyed this and it provides you with some ideas for things to give this season. I have many more thoughts on gifting (cough cough it doesn’t have to be physical items!) that I plan to share in another gift guide but in the meantime I hope this helps.

I sincerely appreciate you all shopping through my affiliate links like the ones included in this post. I make a small commission when you purchase through these links at no extra cost to you. These funds help support my family and allow for us to produce better content for you all. I can’t thank you enough for supporting all that we do!

with joy
jordan jean


  1. Jessica says:

    I totally get if you prefer fresh onions but, you can buy frozen diced onion. Once someone told me that little trick it was a game changer and I never went back!

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