



When we decided to start trying for our own little Tupta tot back in September 2017, we had no idea of the journey we were embarking on. We've experienced a lot of peaks and valleys along the way and as painful as it can be, I am so thankful for this time of waiting. If you are experiencing your own baby journey, my heart is with you and even though I may not know your name or who you are, I pray for you every single day. I hope by sharing this part of our journey and my heart, you know that you are not alone.

journey to motherhood

I wrote this letter to our daughter Eleanor after she was born so that she knew everything that went into her coming into the world. In case I forget any detail someday (or have moved onto Heaven), I wanted her to be able to read back on this and know the answer to the question, […]

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October 20, 2020

It feels a bit surreal sitting down to write this post. It’s something I’ve thought through in my head and desired to do for nearly three years but if you know our journey (you can watch a video on that HERE or read about it HERE, HERE, or HERE), you know that wasn’t part of […]

February 3, 2020

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Baby Journey

It has been just over one year since I shared THIS blog post explaining our baby journey. It has been an ongoing battle since then including loss and many more months of negative pregnancy tests. It’s a journey though that I’m extremely grateful to be fighting through, especially with Stephen by my side. One of […]

January 25, 2020

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Experiencing Loss

April was one of the most exciting months ever for us! Not only was I leaving the corporate world but after a year and a half+ of negatives, we finally received our first ever positive pregnancy test (the same week I was leaving my job!). I don’t think I’ll ever forget that moment, I’ve never […]

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May 24, 2019

Fertility Journey

Hi! Since I shared THIS POST, I haven’t given you all much of an update. I have learned so much since then and I have a lot of information to share! I hope it can help some of you out there on your own baby journey. This post contains affiliate links which means that I […]

April 23, 2019

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Infertility Gift

This post contains affiliate links. A couple of months ago, I received a gift that changed mine and Stephen’s life. It was from Rhya, who is one of the closest people I have to a sister. I practically grew up on the farm with her and her sister, Dakota. They have always and will forever […]

January 24, 2019

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Truth be told, it feels a bit surreal to be sitting down writing this post. I really didn’t think I’d ever have a reason to do this but as month after month go by, we believe there is purpose behind this pain and sharing about this has been weighing heavily on my heart. It’s not […]

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December 31, 2018

I wrote this letter to our daughter Eleanor after she was born so that she knew everything that went into her coming into the world. In case I forget any detail someday (or have moved onto Heaven), I wanted her to be able to read back on this and know the answer to the question, […]

October 20, 2020

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It feels a bit surreal sitting down to write this post. It’s something I’ve thought through in my head and desired to do for nearly three years but if you know our journey (you can watch a video on that HERE or read about it HERE, HERE, or HERE), you know that wasn’t part of […]

February 3, 2020

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Baby Journey

It has been just over one year since I shared THIS blog post explaining our baby journey. It has been an ongoing battle since then including loss and many more months of negative pregnancy tests. It’s a journey though that I’m extremely grateful to be fighting through, especially with Stephen by my side. One of […]

January 25, 2020

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Experiencing Loss

April was one of the most exciting months ever for us! Not only was I leaving the corporate world but after a year and a half+ of negatives, we finally received our first ever positive pregnancy test (the same week I was leaving my job!). I don’t think I’ll ever forget that moment, I’ve never […]

May 24, 2019

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Fertility Journey

Hi! Since I shared THIS POST, I haven’t given you all much of an update. I have learned so much since then and I have a lot of information to share! I hope it can help some of you out there on your own baby journey. This post contains affiliate links which means that I […]

April 23, 2019

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Infertility Gift

This post contains affiliate links. A couple of months ago, I received a gift that changed mine and Stephen’s life. It was from Rhya, who is one of the closest people I have to a sister. I practically grew up on the farm with her and her sister, Dakota. They have always and will forever […]

January 24, 2019

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Truth be told, it feels a bit surreal to be sitting down writing this post. I really didn’t think I’d ever have a reason to do this but as month after month go by, we believe there is purpose behind this pain and sharing about this has been weighing heavily on my heart. It’s not […]

December 31, 2018

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As the temperatures are starting to drop (PRAISSSSSSSE THE LORD!) here in Mississippi, I have been starting to reach for fall clothes. I quickly realized though as I was stuffing myself like a sausage into non-maternity casings pieces that I was hoping I’d still be able to use for a while, that just wasn’t going […]

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September 26, 2023

I’ve been itching (and praying) for the time when I could share write this post and here we are. If you’ve been keeping up with my (almost) weekly letters or the little blurbs I’ve shared on my Instagram, you know we’ve had a lot going on in our family with my brother. If you have […]

September 1, 2023

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A couple of weeks ago we shared HERE that we are overjoyed to welcome another Tupta Tot to our crew in a few short months! We are just so grateful and excited to get the opportunity to parent another child and watch Ellie thrive as an older sister. Here are the questions you sent in […]

February 4, 2022

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Pregnancy Third Trimester Recap

Although Ellie girl has been with us for 9 weeks now, I wrote this post a few days before she arrived and still wanted to share. Some of you might not care to read this after the fact, but I probably will want to look back on this later on! Here are my answers to […]

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October 19, 2020

Maternity clothes

About three years ago when I was packing up my closet to prepare for our move from Phoenix to South Carolina, I realized that I had so many clothes that I didn’t wear and I basically wore the same pieces on repeat. At that point, I got rid of so much stuff and decided I […]

October 14, 2020

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What to pack in a hospital bag

Almost three weeks ago our little Eleanor was making her way into the world. Goodness, time is flying… It hurts my heart a bit. Ironically enough, the 2.5 days that we spent in the hospital felt like they took forever. I think that was just because we wanted to get home so badly (despite how […]

September 3, 2020

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I tend to do a lot of research and question asking when it comes to buying pretty much anything. Breast pumps though, well, really most baby products, I feel like was on a whole other level for me. I will say though, once I learned about the Elvie from a great friend of mine, the […]

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August 24, 2020

Pregnant Resource Vault

Birth Class We can’t recommend this enough! Specifically Lauren’s class. She typically does these in person but because of COVID she revamped everything to make it online so even though she’s based out of Northern VA, we were able to do this with her which was amazing. The course is broken up into four, three-ish […]

July 29, 2020

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Two weeks ago tomorrow, Stephen and I were sleeping in the house I grew up in when I awoke to multiple messages (mostly from friends stationed or deployed across the globe) asking if Stephen was okay. “Yeah, he’s was sleeping right next to me, what’s up?” I quickly learned that there had been a fatal […]

July 13, 2020

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How do you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally? Physically, I felt (and still feel) fantastic. My energy was really high and even working out I felt strong and capable. I started feeling pelvic floor pressure around the start of the second trimester so I modified my workouts accordingly and started to see a physical therapist […]

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June 15, 2020

Diaper Bag Roundup

This post is sponsored by Fawn Design. However, all opinions shared on jordanjean.com are always my own. One item in particular that I know mamas-to-be can get wrapped up researching is diaper bags. I get it! This bag is about to be your new BFF! It’ll go with you to the store, Disney World, church, […]

April 24, 2020

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Hi! Now that we’ve surpassed the 20 week mark with this pregnancy, I’m sharing with you all our baby registry! In my typical fashion, I researched this stuff a ton. I surveyed over a dozen of my friends, read reviews, researched many different options, etc. We had some specific goals in mind when creating this […]

April 3, 2020

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A couple of days ago on Instagram I asked for your input on maternity clothes. I shared that I want to try to avoid maternity specific clothes as much as I possibly can. I know that with pants for example, that can get pretty tricky so I have bought one pair that will last me […]

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March 9, 2020

Hi! Now that I’ve shared my recap of the first trimester with you all, I figured I’d put together a post that includes all of my first trimester essentials. Just a reminder, everyone’s pregnancy is different! These are just things that helped me so much in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy or made it […]

February 12, 2020

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First Trimester Recap

At the start of the week we shared that we have been keeping a big secret! If you haven’t read that post, you can check that one out first HERE. Not only was it surreal to write and share but I’m also incredibly grateful to be sitting here writing this one. As I was in […]

February 8, 2020

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It feels a bit surreal sitting down to write this post. It’s something I’ve thought through in my head and desired to do for nearly three years but if you know our journey (you can watch a video on that HERE or read about it HERE, HERE, or HERE), you know that wasn’t part of […]

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February 3, 2020

I wrote this letter to our daughter Eleanor after she was born so that she knew everything that went into her coming into the world. In case I forget any detail someday (or have moved onto Heaven), I wanted her to be able to read back on this and know the answer to the question, […]

October 20, 2020

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It feels a bit surreal sitting down to write this post. It’s something I’ve thought through in my head and desired to do for nearly three years but if you know our journey (you can watch a video on that HERE or read about it HERE, HERE, or HERE), you know that wasn’t part of […]

February 3, 2020

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Baby Journey

It has been just over one year since I shared THIS blog post explaining our baby journey. It has been an ongoing battle since then including loss and many more months of negative pregnancy tests. It’s a journey though that I’m extremely grateful to be fighting through, especially with Stephen by my side. One of […]

January 25, 2020

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Experiencing Loss

April was one of the most exciting months ever for us! Not only was I leaving the corporate world but after a year and a half+ of negatives, we finally received our first ever positive pregnancy test (the same week I was leaving my job!). I don’t think I’ll ever forget that moment, I’ve never […]

May 24, 2019

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Fertility Journey

Hi! Since I shared THIS POST, I haven’t given you all much of an update. I have learned so much since then and I have a lot of information to share! I hope it can help some of you out there on your own baby journey. This post contains affiliate links which means that I […]

April 23, 2019

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Infertility Gift

This post contains affiliate links. A couple of months ago, I received a gift that changed mine and Stephen’s life. It was from Rhya, who is one of the closest people I have to a sister. I practically grew up on the farm with her and her sister, Dakota. They have always and will forever […]

January 24, 2019

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Truth be told, it feels a bit surreal to be sitting down writing this post. I really didn’t think I’d ever have a reason to do this but as month after month go by, we believe there is purpose behind this pain and sharing about this has been weighing heavily on my heart. It’s not […]

December 31, 2018

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