


April 6, 2019

Master Bathroom Design Plan

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Happy Saturday! Now that we’ve finished probably two of the most involved projects of the year (posts HERE and HERE), we’re ready to start tackling other rooms in our home. As a lot of you know, we live in a one year old construction that we had built when we found out we were going to be stationed in South Carolina. Even though we were able to customize a good number of options, it was still generally cookie-cutter. Since we moved in, we’ve been attempting to add character and our own style one project at a time.

So far we’ve added our own touches to our laundry room, office, guest bedroom, guest bathroom, and living room. Next up on our list is the master bathroom! I’ll share a post coming up with how we decide what project to tackle next. For now though, I will say the budget is really important!

When choosing the options for our home, I made them pretty quickly and effortlessly (much to my surprise). To be fair though, Stephen and I had discussed through most of them before I arrived to the design meeting. One thing we did not discuss was the color of the vanities and the flooring options. It was kind of difficult to do before seeing them in person. When I visited the design center and was standing in front of all of the options on the wall, I saw the gray vanity color and said, “That one!” and then when I saw the gray wood-looking flooring I said, “That one!” I loved them both individually so much but had failed to think about how they would look together (which is ironic considering how much I ponder over these decisions now). Since we’ve lived in our house I’ve regretted my decision to do a gray vanity and a gray flooring. On top of that, our walls have a hint of gray in them so combine that all together and our bathrooms were just… Gray. I knew it was gray all over but what I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t like it so much. Then I realized one major component that we were lacking- contrast.

We first tackled our guest bathroom by adding character with bead board, wallpaper, glass knobs, and a faux wood mirror. I want to change it up in our own master bathroom though by adding more contrast so I’m going to do something a lot of you might gasp at – I’m painting the gray vanity. Another shocker… I don’t plan on painting it white. WHAAAAT?! I want to add even more contrast so after staring at paint samples for almost two months now, I’m leaning towards Sherwin Williams Caviar.

Here’s my plan! The downside of doing the master bathroom is that we need two of everything so I did a lot of research to find options x2 that fit within our budget. I’m really excited to start putting it all together. First up is paint! I do like the color of our walls (SW Frosty White over the entire house) but like I mentioned, it’s too much gray. I want the space to feel bright and airy despite the dark vanity. Besides, we have some extra white paint on hand so that will cost us a whopping $0.

  • We thought THESE mirrors were really fun so we picked up two of them at our local Target. Not only do they have a vintage vibe but they are also going to be functional with that little shelf.
  • I had a couple of other options for lights in mind but ultimately decided on THIS one. We’ll put one over each mirror.
  • I fell in love with THESE shelves from Magnolia. The minute I saw them I knew I had to start saving up to buy them! They aren’t necessarily budget-friendly but I loved them so much they were worth budgeting for (Reminder… Fill your home with things you LOVE!) I was able to pick them up and stuff them in my suitcase during my recent solo trip to The Silos so they’ll always have a special memory associated with them for me.
  • The last thing that we purchased were new faucets. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the ones that we currently have! We just want to swap it out for something that fits our style and sell the other ones. I did a lot of research to find ones that fit within our budget (again, we have to buy two of everything). I really loved the one we put in our guest bathroom but I found THIS one and loved the little knobs! So fun!

Here are a few other things on the board that we already have in the bathroom –


I have something in mind for artwork but I have always loved THIS painting. Someday I will have it in our home. Whether or not it’s in this room, well see. There’s just something about it that brings me peace!

Master bathroom to do list:
  • Paint the walls
  • Add trim around the window
  • Make a little curtain for the window?
  • Paint the vanity
  • Install the mirrors
  • Install the lights
  • Install the shelves
  • Install the faucets

I plan to start tackling this next week and I’ll definitely be sharing the progress over on Instagram stories! What do you think of the plan so far?

As always, thank you all for the support. You all are the BEST!

with joy
jordan jean


  1. […] Here is the design board that I created prior to starting this room and purchasing anything. You can read all about our plans HERE. […]

  2. […] today with a little update on the bathroom! A LOT has changed in there since I last talked about it HERE. Since it won’t be entirely completed for a couple of weeks, I wanted to share with you where […]

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