


April 18, 2019

Life Update & A Giant Leap of Faith: I Stepped Away From Corporate America

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Woof. This post is one that I can’t believe I’m writing. You might’ve noticed that in that past month+ or so, I’ve been pretty quiet on here. There has been a LOT happening behind the scenes, a lot in the works, and it’s finally time to share some of it with you guys!

Before I get into this, I want to say that if you’re going through the same type of situation, I hope that my story and tips can inspire you and give you hope.

In December, I listened to an episode of the RISE podcast by Rachel Hollis (one of my all time favorites). In that episode,  she describes how she pictures her future self, and how she maps out her goals and dreams to move closer to that vision. I decided to complete her exercise myself while sitting on a plane on the way home from a work trip. When I finished the exercise and read through what I had written down, I laughed. Oh the irony… Here I was, sitting on a plane heading home from one of my (many) business trips after investing lots and lots of my time in my corporate role, and the picture I had just created of my “10 years from now future self” had nothing to do with the corporate world AT ALL.

1. Even if you are absolutely loving where you’re at in life, I highly encourage you all to listen to this episode of the RISE podcast and complete the exercise. You can do it in any journal or a scrap piece of paper or pick up a Start Today Journal HERE (almost sold out!).

This wasn’t a brand new realization – my heart has been moving in this direction for over two years now – but it was a bit of a reality check, like “What are you doing, Jordan?!” We have always justified my decision to continue working as a Food Scientist as a way to help us reach our goal of paying off our mortgage within five years. And hey, as many people have put it, we don’t have kids yet, so why wouldn’t I want to earn a full time income [despite how terribly unfulfilled I feel]? Talk about adding some salt into the wound…

Since that exercise in December, the thought of what life outside of the corporate world and the ability/time to focus on the things I’m really passionate about has not left my mind. I have been tossing and turning, agonizing over this decision to the point where my mind felt really clouded about it all.  I looked to God, but I struggled to differentiate signs from HIM versus the enemy versus my own thoughts and desires.  I mean, I really, really struggled. I found myself constantly asking the question “Lord, is that you?” as signs popped up and as thoughts came into my brain.

I very intentionally chose to talk with my good friends and my sisters in Christ to seek their counsel about this decision, because I knew that ultimately this dilemma was not about finances, it was about faith. I needed faith centered and faith supported guidance. Their wisdom and guidance on HOW to listen to The Lord made me appreciate them and love them even more.

2. Surround yourself with people that will guide you like Jesus does and seek their guidance. Let Him speak through them and LISTEN – even if it’s not what you want to hear. 

Stephen and I talked about it and prayed about it – A LOT. Even though it was ultimately my decision, it was extremely important to me that he felt confident in the decision too.  One of the most helpful exercises for making this decision came as a recommendation from one of my friends.  She said to get a piece of paper, write the decision in question in the middle of it, and anytime anything popped up to point me in a direction regarding that decision, to write it down on the page.  Before I knew it, my page was full of writing and my decision was CLEAR before my eyes.  The more I looked at all of that page, the more confident I felt with my decision.  With all of those signs on the page, it became clear that The Lord was guiding me in this direction.

3. On a sheet of paper, write down your decision in question in the middle. Whenever you receive a confirmation of that decision, write it down on the paper. Hang it up in your bedroom so you look at it and update it daily.

SO, I am so excited to be sharing with you all that I have decided to leave the corporate world to pursue this blog FULL TIME! I don’t feel the need to go into all of the reasons behind this decision, but I do want to let you know the primary one – this is my ministry.

4. Continue seeking guidance from our Heavenly Father (or whoever/whatever you believe in!). Before, during, and after you’ve made the decision. 

I feel called to serve this growing community.  I feel called to encourage you to cherish the season you’re in.  I feel called to spark joy in your lives and homes.  I feel called to show you how I find joy in the middle of the pain in hopes that you can too.  I feel called to remind you that you’re not alone.  I feel called to empower you and to show you that YOU CAN try new things and step outside of your comfort zone, even if that’s with a simple DIY project.  I feel called to share my faith and how it has been tested and yet strengthened time and time again.  I feel called to be a light. That is why, with a child-like heart, I’m gripping tightly to Jesus’ hand and holding on for dear life as we take the leap of faith out of this plane together!  It’s terrifying, but I know in my bones that this will be more than okay.  He has big plans for this space.  I can’t wait to serve as a vessel for that and to have you all along for the trek.

with joy
jordan jean


  1. […] every year following this one) is to be better about having dinner on the table ESPECIALLY because I work from home now. Stephen works long, crazy hours and I’d always feel a sting of guilt when he walked in the […]

  2. […] big change that has impacted me mentally and emotionally was our decision for me to part from the corporate world. That was not only a big deal because it was life changing but also because my cortisol levels went […]

  3. […] was one of the most exciting months ever for us! Not only was I leaving the corporate world but after a year and a half+ of negatives, we finally received our first ever positive pregnancy […]

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