


January 27, 2020

The Tupta’s are Headed to…

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MISS-ISS-IPPI! Ohhhh baby here we go. We’re headed (back) to Columbus, MS.

Stephen was stationed in Columbus for two years while completing UPT (pilot training) and IFF (the training pilots go through once they find out they’ll be flying a fighter) at the start of his pilot career. We actually got engaged there during one of my visits!

Columbus, MS
Stephen’s UPT graduation in 2016

To be completely transparent with you all, this was a big of a shock for us. It wasn’t a bad thing by any means… It was just a big surprise for us. I think mainly because based on the list we put in (yes, Stephen is actually the one to put the list in but it’s something WE talk about for weeks leading up to that point), we were expecting to get somewhere out west. Even if we didn’t get our first option or even first ten options they were all somewhere out that way. They were all also in the F-16 or F-35.

The other part of the ‘shock’ was the assignment. Stephen will be serving as an instructor for future fighter pilots which means that he won’t be flying the F-16 while we’re stationed there. Instead he’ll be flying the T-38 Talon. That broke my heart a good bit for him, honestly. He has worked so incredibly hard to get where he is in the F-16. But I also know that this position is so great for our family. I can’t emphasize that enough. Not only will his hours be somewhat “normal” but he also won’t TDY (temporary duty travel) often and won’t deploy. That’s going to be such a big change from his current ops assignment! He’s also a fantastic teacher so I know that he’ll do well and I’m excited to watch him excel in that role.

Columbus AFB
The last time we were together in Columbus during one of my visits!

After I jokingly fantasized on stories the thought of us moving to Alaska and how that content would play out on @jordyjean, so many of you were hoping we’d end up there. That makes me giggle; it definitely would’ve been interesting. Mississippi might not involve hooking Adi and Brooke up to a sled but I can say without a doubt that we’re going to have tons of content to share with you all on Instagram and the blog! We’re planning on buying a ‘somewhat’ fixer upper to flip. WEE!! We’re so excited to be starting with a much different slate than our SC home.

That’s where the Tupta’s are headed! Oh and as for dates, we have no idea yet. As the news sets in, we’re getting more excited for this next adventure though!

Thank you all for being here and as always, thank you for the support!

with joy
jordan jean


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  7. […] a month ago we found out that we’re headed to Columbus, Mississippi for Stephen’s next assignment. Now that it has set in, we’re excited! There are so many things I’m going to miss […]

  8. Jackie says:

    I am so happy for you both. At least you will still be on the East Coast and I can’t wait for the fixer upper content!

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