


February 6, 2018

Resources I’ve Used Through My Struggle With Purpose

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Resources for PurposeEven though I just shared my thoughts about the purpose behind jordanjean.com, my overall purpose is something I really struggle with. I mean, really seriously struggle with… At one point I broke down on my kitchen floor over it. I didn’t feel like I was living with purpose and no matter how much I prayed or talked to close family/friends about it, I didn’t feel like I had figured out God’s purpose for me – so I broke down while little Adi kissed my tears away.

To be completely transparent, I can’t say to you that I cried about it and a day later saw a rainbow and all of my prayers were answered. That didn’t happen. In fact, it’s still something I struggle with. I have, however, found a lot of resources that have helped me with this struggle and if you’re with me on this, maybe they’ll help you too.

I don’t think I have my “answer” yet but I do know that God has changed my heart in many ways this past year and whether or not this is my ultimate purpose in life, I do know the foundation of it is for me to be a light in this world.


  • Find Your Calling: This interactive book written by Veronica and Dale Partridge focuses on discovering your purpose through your gifts and talents. It’s an easy read but it has taken me a while to finish because the questions really force me to think for a couple of days. The book is available in both his and her’s versions. This would be really great to go through with a significant other or friend!
  • Soar: After listening to the Q&A between Steve Furtick and Bishop T.D. Jakes that I mention below, I knew I had to read this book. It has been very helpful and inspiring for me, especially when it comes to the blog. I highly suggest digging into this one.
  • The Bible (this version in particular is my all time favorite): These resources are all really great but this one tops them all. God ultimately is who puts your purpose on your heart and gives you your gifts and talents. The best way to get closer to Him and understand His purpose for you is by reading His word.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Chris Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10

“We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28


  • Q&A between Steve Furtick and Bishop T.D. Jakes: Before I talk about this life-changing message, let me tell you how to get to it so there is no confusion. Go to the Podcasts app on your phone, search Elevation Church, and then scroll down until you find “How to Build Your Vision From the Ground Up” published on October 26, 2017. Go for a walk, sit on the couch, whatever you want but all I ask is that you take the time to press play and soak up every second of this message. Everything about this rocked my world. I’ve listened to it multiple times since I pressed play on the treadmill a few months ago. I highly suggest that you listen to it if you are struggling with purpose. Heck, even if you aren’t struggling with purpose and just need something inspiring in your life you should listen to this. There were so many points where I said out loud, “That is too good…” My favorite part is when Bishop Jakes talks about how God makes trees. Once you listen you’ll understand what I’m referring to… Oh, another great part is when he talks about work ethic. Oh my goodness… It’s just so good.

If you’re struggling with purpose please know that you aren’t alone! Continue praying about it (or start if you haven’t already!) and try out some of these resources I’ve used. I hope they bring you some peace through this journey!

with joy
jordan jean


  1. McKenna says:

    Hello Jordan!

    I can’t believe I am saying this but, this is my first time visiting your blog! I honestly don’t know how I haven’t soaked up every word yet. I see your social media posts about your articles and read those daily. They are beautiful, as beautiful as your intentions with this blog and how real you speak. I too love Steven Furtick’s messages and I just downloaded the podcast you’ve recommended. I am saving it for my Friday run tomorrow! I have a feeling that your suggestion will be more moving than my feet on the pavement, but hey that just so happens to be what I need this week! I can’t wait to lace up my sneakers now! Thank you for this dose of goodness today! Keep up the great work!

    • Jordan Jean says:

      Oh my goodness McKenna do I miss you or what? I hope the podcast was great!!! It inspires me every time I listen to it! Thank you for being such a great, supportive friend! I sure do love you.

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