Happy Monday! Today we’re going to be sharing with you all how we create a budget using the (free) Every Dollar app. If you haven’t watched our first video on why we use a budget, how we got out of debt, etc. we suggest watching that one first before moving onto today’s video. In case you missed it, here it is!
Now let’s get into the details of how we create a budget and specifically how we use the Every Dollar app to do that. Having a budget is the KEY to financial freedom! We can’t stress that enough.
We hope these videos are helping! Please let us know if you have any questions about anything we’ve shared so far. Thank you for being here with us today!
[…] Stephen and I sat down together at the beginning of the year and came up with a plan for the order we want to tackle projects on the house. It’s not necessarily “set in stone” but it helps us be on the same page and is helpful when budgeting. Speaking of budgeting, if you haven’t checked out our money talk videos, you can HERE! […]