Happy Saturday! It feels very surreal writing this post. I remember when I was 21 and would talk about life in the next few years like it was so far away. At the time it sure did feel that way but MAN does life fly by or what?! “They” say that it goes by even […]
Happy Wednesday! Woo! It has been quite a while since I’ve been on here to post. I am so sorry for that but while working full time, coaching, getting married, and preparing to move across the country, I came to the realization that something had to give. Now that life is slowing back down just […]
Life lately has been quite the ride! I’ve been asked by so many people questions like, “How have you seen Stephen so much recently?!” or “Are you and Stephen living in the same place now?!” so I figured I’d provide an update on life lately with a few words here and there and of course, pictures. The […]
HAPPY SUNDAY! This is 6 days late but I PASSED MY THESIS DEFENSE! I haven’t even had the time to get on here and write about it but I just wanted to at least update you all with the exciting news. I’ve been traveling, doing edits (my thesis is due to the graduate school next Monday), and […]
January 2016! This year is a big one for me. Not only will I get my masters but I will also hopefully get a “real-girl” job and will have to move (where that will be I have no clue). Since returning back to school from Christmas break all I’ve been able to think about is […]
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I’M BACK! I’m so sorry I’ve been away for a little while now… I wanted to soak up every minute of break with my family, friends, and Stephen before I had to get back to the grind. There is a long list of things that I plan to blog about in the […]
Hi everyone! I’ve been some what “off the grid” the past couple of weeks because my poor little iPhone drowned from some condensation in a cooler… Through my LifeProof… I’m not salty at all… I still might be kind of bitter about the whole situation but as always, the phrase “everything happens for a reason” has never […]
Can you believe it’s already June 12, 2015? These past five months have blown by so quickly. I created a list back in January of my goals for the 2015 year and I thought I’d share them with you all so that you understand a little bit about what I strive for! Run 5 marathons […]